Friday, January 31, 2020

Impeachment, Foxified

My next column in The Everett Herald:
Nothing better explains America’s unbridgeable political divide and why Trump’s supporters are convinced they’re right and disinterested in learning otherwise, than Fox “news” coverage of the impeachment “trial,” compared to that of MSNBC, CNN, and C-Span. The ones showing the proceedings stem to stern. The ones who recognize the seriousness of what’s happening and the importance of viewers seeing it for themselves. 
Only Trump State Television cut away from the initial presentations, frequently showed video with no audio while dissembling dismissively. Knowing what their viewers want, they spooned it out: misleadingly edited and censored information, slanderous commentary, validation of their toxic beliefs. Any appetite among the enFoxed for disenthralling themselves has been systematically and effectively extinguished. By Fox.  
Certain detoxification won’t happen, Fox “news” mainlines its half-truths and no-truths like heroin. Has their audience seen that video of Trump, sounding like the mob boss he is, telling his goons to “get rid” of Ambassador Yovanovich? Do they care that he’d previously claimed he hadn’t? Or wonder why he wanted a smear-job when he could have just removed her? 
How about the news of Bolton’s book? Republican Congress-creatures, who once complained there were no “first-hand” witnesses, said, “This changes nothing.” Fox’s talking heads immediately dismissed him, their former hero, as a “tool for the left.” See how it works? 
Even during impeachment, when all citizens should demand the full story, Fox omits and distracts. Clearly, Foxolytes prefer the ignorance Foxing heads provide. If they didn’t welcome it, their sainted source wouldn’t have done this. 
It doesn’t get more blatant. Yet the beFoxed believe theirs is the truthful network, giving Congressional Republicans cover in spinning away Trump’s unfitness, mocking those who call upon their patriotism and remind them of their oath. Fox “news” is camo pants. 
Knowing the Foxagandized won’t understand its irrelevance to Trump’s shakedown or ask if it was about corruption, why he eschewed a US-based investigation, Flimsy Lindsey (thanks, PM) promises to call the Bidens if Bolton is subpoenaed. Aimed at the same audience, Trump’s “trial” team argued that Trump can do anything – ANYTHING! -- as long as he “believes” it’s in the national interest. That’s as insane as it is un-American.  
Whether or not Republican senators believe their own twaddle, it’s obvious they care more about their careers than their country, confident of inFoxicated absolution. Assuming Foxotees didn’t see Adam Schiff’s late-night speech last week, here it is
That sound is Trumpists laughing him off as “pencil-neck,” because that’s what their Jesus-approved role model calls him. It’s the sound of shovels, as Republican Senators bury their consciences; the sound of burning parchment, of millions of “patriots” dismissing words that deserve conscientious consideration, no matter one’s political views. Words that echo what once made America great.  
It’s unlikely the prevariFoxed watched Mr. Schiff’s next-day elucidation of the importance of US support for Ukraine and the damage done by Trump’s withholding military assistance for his, and only his, benefit. Except, as always, Putin’s, too. Fake news, penciled out.  
“We have the material and they don’t,” crowed Trump at Davos, exulting in Republicans’ refusal to issue subpoenas. How demeaning of his excusers; what confidence in their and their voters’ disinterest in facts. But if any took offense, they swallowed it, as they have all of Trump’s attacks on truth and democracy. 
As Mr. Schiff noted, many patriotic State Department officials risked careers in defense of America. Republican senators? None. Ah, but if the preceding didn’t bother them, they took grandiose offense when Mr. Schiff mentioned a news report about threatened piked heads. At last! A Foxerrific excuse for ignoring a “president’s” malfeasance. Trump, meanwhile, kept it classy (it’s why they love him).  
Schiff also laid out what a propaganda coup it was when Putin pegged Trump (no pun) as a tool who, he concluded, by dint of flattery and who-knows-what-else, would defend and repeat their lies about Ukraine, not Russia, interfering in our election. And about non-existent servers. It’s there for the hearing, but words can’t penetrate reinforced concrete. 
Fox didn’t invent rightwing preference for fake news and lazy thinking. Like Trump, it liberated, magnified and cashed in on it. 
After Trump is acquitted, he’ll act as if given carte blanche to do whatever he wants, to whomever he wants, whenever he wants. The Constitution will have become a useless relic. As short-sighted Republican congress-dwellers look away, uncaring, Trumpists will kneel before their newborn king, bearing gifts.
[Image source]


  1. Rand "I got beat up by an Anesthesiologist" Paul wanted to call witnesses, denied by Surpreme Judge John "please like me" Roberts (still can't believe we don't get to vote for these guys)
    It's like Avogadro's Cat(n'ere do well litter mate of that Schroedinger jerk) "you can't name the whistleblower, who's supposed to be secret, so didn't we just identify the whistleblower, by not calling him"
    Umm, you do know there's this invention called the Internets(HT A. Gore), and you can google the "Whistleblower Name" *

    Frank "not my real name" Drackman

    *it's "Eric Ciaramella"

  2. As I told my wife several times over the past few weeks, barring a Hail Mary vote-switch today for witnesses, The Senate GOP was never gonna go against Dolt 45. They are terrified of his tweets, of his abusive and uncontrollable behavior. They are pussies. OTOH, I am of the mind that this GOP surrender will reverberate into November, and I predict a sweeping vote against this horrible person and party. The question is: how hard will he fight against removal from The White House? THAT will be the $64k questions.

  3. And the other big question is how many Democrats will sit it out, yet again, out of laziness or in protest that "their" D choice wasn't the nominee. It's already looking like 2016 redux.

  4. @ Sid

    I see it going down differently.

    The Dems. will vote in droves. There will be some red maps turning blue no matter who the Dems. pick sans Biden. If Biden is nominated, all bets are off. Drumpf will win.

    However, it seems Burnie is the next POTUS. Also, even if it wasn't Bernie, it's anyone's to lose sans Biden.

    The real fight once again will be the Senate. If the Red Map the census it's over. If we can't pick supreme court justices we as a nation are done. Period. Done.

    Drumpf will deregulate the entire govt. Will yard out govt. departments wholesale like the dept. of energy. Dept. of education. and so on.

    He will deregulate private businesses like banks. We all still remember the last collapse right? TARP and all that? Not FOX...They never mention 'dubya'.

    He will start wars all over the world. Reinstituting the draft isn't off the table either.

    Prison for profit will be the norm. Newly appointed lower court judges auditioning for the SCOTUS seats right out of law school. One judge more determined than the next to exterminate immigration and hunt down the remaining undocumented within America's borders. Expand ICE 4 fold. Same with cops, border patrol and the ilk.

    That's America.

  5. Dems "voting in droves" is key, all right. When have they ever, is the thing. Bernie's supporters are already acting like they did last time around: threatening not to vote if it's not him. Much as he annoys me, I agree with most of what he says. But I think it'd be the wrong choice. I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination, of course. But I'm already sensing a repeat of 2016.

    Trumpists will be energized, and Trump will whip their fury.

  6. Well, the bullshit has begun. This is insane. No country can take what we've already had to endure. We are on the verge of a full blown Oligarchy. I've been saying this for 30 years. Nobody listened apparently cuz here we are. This is gonna make robber barons look like a bunch of amateurs.

    Mining in National parks. Gov.t land to take over private land instantly for a wall. That, by the way...Also keeps people fenced in as well as keep them out.

    From where I sit today. I am seeing a Drumpf second term. He ain't getting it just yet. But Drumpf has full control of govt. and appears headed towards success.

    If we are not checking every voting machine for tampering. It's over folks. I mean for good. America is done.


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