I offer belated Merry Christmas wishes. And Happy Hanukkah. Also Kwanzaa. Let’s leave National Cookie Day, Ugly Sweater Day, and the hundreds of other December “Days” to those who observe them.
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." Orwell
"“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
"The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant" Robespierre
Today’s lesson is from the Federalist Papers. Open your textbooks to Federalist 76. Quilled by the recently resurrected Alexander Hamilton, it includes the following:
“It will readily be comprehended, that a man who had himself the sole disposition of offices, would be governed much more by his private inclinations and interests, than when he was bound to submit the propriety of his choice to the discussion and determination of a different and independent body, and that body an entire branch of the legislature. . . . He would be both ashamed and afraid to bring forward candidates who had no other merit than being in some way or other personally allied to him, or of possessing the necessary insignificance and pliancy to render them the obsequious instruments of his pleasure. . .”
That, in a florid nutshell, is the rationale for requiring the Senate to investigate and approve or deny a president’s choices for positions of power. Mr. Hamilton must have had exactly the narcissistic, vengeful, self-promoting Trump in mind. (Wrongly, he presumed a human capability of shame.) Not alone among his colleagues, idiocratic Senator Tuberville (R-Alabama) believes Trump should be allowed anyone he chooses, without pesky, Constitution-mandated interference.
Aware of human imperfections, the Founders almost had it right. But they seem to have assumed that, in aggregate, senators would not suffer the infirmities we see in Trump. That, tasked with evaluating obviously unqualified and dangerous nominees, senators would place duty to protect and defend the Constitution above all else.
In their defense, Our Fathers were surrounded by and were themselves men of good intention, having risked much to create a new nation. If they foresaw a sociopathic individual like Trump as president, they could not have imagined a Senate majority of them.
We’ve referred to Trumpism as oligarchy, plutocracy, kakistocracy, authoritarianism, dictatorship, all of which apply. We see now that the best description is a Mafia-style protection racket. Pay tribute, you’ll be safe. If not, you’ll regret it. As a flock of tech billionaires and media titans knee-walk to Mar-a-Lago, we see it’s working as intended.
Pre-election, Trump said about Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, “We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal he will spend the rest of his life in prison—as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.”
He’s made similar threats about media people and their organizations. Zuck caved. Bezos caved. Tim Cook caved. The CEO of the LA Times caved. After ABC News caved over the interpretation of New York’s “penil” code (oops! Was that a typo?), Trump filed a lawsuit against the Des Moines Register for publishing a poll that turned out to be wrong.
It’s the playbook used by all the world’s dictators of whom Trump is a fanboy: an overt, intentional attack on the First Amendment. Knuckling the press is authoritarianism defined. Seeing mainstream media falling in line like sheep is ominous.
Trump is flaunting his Mafiosical methods like a bludgeon. So is his smarter alter-ego Steve Bannon, who said, last week, “... we’re going to get retribution. [Media] need to learn what populist national power is, on the receiving end. I mean investigations, trials, and their incarceration.”
Retribution for what, one might ask. Exercising the Billed rights of American citizens?
What’s remarkable about such abject capitulation is the communal cowardice. Trump – so far, anyway – hasn’t caused Putinesque defenestration of opponents or death by exploding airplanes. He hasn’t yet – far as we know – poisoned anyone or, like NoKo Kim, sent them before firing squads. These groveling genuflectors are wealthy beyond words. They can afford highest-class lawyers. If they chose to, they could take forceful stands for the Constitution and against Trump’s lawlessness.
Bullies aren’t strong. Trump’s power isn’t internal. In a doom loop of ignorance, arrogance, and weakness, it comes from the pusillanimity and prejudice of his voters, convinced to reject America’s fundamental values; from the certainty of their electeds that those voters will preserve their jobs and cashflow if they, the “leaders,” vote with Trump, and dispose of them if they don’t; from those appointees who’ll do Trump’s bidding; and from Congressional greed and cravenness, knowing his nominees will unleash unrestrained, unconstitutional, government terrorization unknown in North America but afraid to stand against it; while Trump gloats, golfs, and goes AWOL from the responsibilities of office.
Maybe enough Republican senators will remember their obligations of office and reject Trump’s most preposterous picks. While we imagine that unlikely outcome, House Republicans are fine with Trump’s plans to prosecute members of the January 6 Committee for doing their constitutional duty. It’s mass surrender by an entire party to America’s greatest threat since the Civil War.
In control for now, Congressional Republicans are the only ones positioned to preserve our constitutional democracy, but they’re too fearful and selfish to do it. Sadly, “The People” are fine with it.
Well, that was disappointing.
Mitt Romney said that. Mean and nasty aren’t terms typically used to describe Mitt, so it’s significant, because if Trump were to win, J.D. could become president within a couple of years. Who doubts he’d be delighted to invoke the 25th Amendment?
Wrapping himself in fundamentalism and Christian nationalism, Vance is a conscience-free opportunist; and whereas that also describes Trump, with Vance, it’s intentional. Unlike Trump, J.D. is smart. Not a pathological liar like Trump, who seems unable to help himself, Vance is a silky liar who chooses to be. Witness his one-eighty on Trump’s suitability for the presidency.
A poseur willing to say anything to gain advantage, he knows exactly what he’s doing. And, also unlike Trump, he can form words into coherent sentences. Like these, when asked whether Trump lost the election: “Not by the words I would use.” Wow. To Vance, words are meaningless except as weapons aimed at the ill-informed. It’s the Humpty Dumpty theory of language.
And these, intended to deceive gullible MAGAs: “Did Kamala Harris censor Americans from speaking their minds in the wake of the 2020 Covid situation?” Excellent question, Senator. Did she? When? How? Got receipts? Just asking questions, right?
More words: “Kamala Harris, who has tried to arrest everything from pro-life activists to her political opponents … used the Department of Justice as a weapon against people.” Again: When? How? What’s the proof? (Never mind: MAGAs don’t require or even want proof. Just saying it is enough to convince.)
From Trump, such blatancy is baseline. Bizarre and disgusting, but expected, predictable. From Vance, who, it’s presumed, can tell a lie from the truth, this mountain of mendacity is even more disqualifying than Trump’s. The hands of someone knowingly pushing premeditated lies so unabashedly ought not be within reach of the levers of power. Or that red button.
Here’s an indicator of where he stands on the Constitution, asked about certifying the 2020 election, one of only two inscribed duties of a Vice President: “I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors,” he averred, contrasting himself with “an-illegal-bridge-too-far-even-for-me” hyper-sycophantic Mike Pence.
After Liz Cheney accurately described him as “unfit for office,” Vance let loose this smacker of all remaining gobs: “She’s not motivated by a love of this country. She’s a resentful, petty, small person,” (motivated) “by an obsessive hatred of the people who cost her Wyoming congressional seat.” Former Congresswoman Cheney was precisely motivated by love of country when, knowing it’d cost her her seat, she sided with the Constitution over the criminal Donald Trump. She did that long before she was voted out of office because of it. Like Trump, J.D. can’t imagine having the courage and decency to take a costly, principled stand.
And let’s not forget his weirdness. Here are his thoughts on his children.
There’s more to say about Vance, but, with the election days away, there are other issues. Here’s one: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, finally laid it all out.
Also: the most ubiquitous anti-Harris TV ad says she wants your tax dollars to pay for transgender surgery for prisoners. And here’s guidance from the Trump-appointed Board of Prisons, back in those dark days, regarding gender-affirming treatment of prisoners: “Medical care may include pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., cross-gender hormone therapy), hair removal and surgery (if individualized assessment indicates surgical intervention is applicable).” Accusing others of doing what they do? Whodda thunk, right?
Something that deserves to be widely seen, and won’t be but if it were wouldn’t penetrate a single MAGA skull is this revealing interview with the man who promoted Trump’s fake “reality” show, The Apprentice, coming clean. He confesses to creating the myth of Trump the successful businessman out of whole cloth; describes Trump’s cluelessness and nastiness, acknowledges that without that falsified show, Trump would have remained the third-rate laughing stock in New York City that he was at the time, and would never have become “president.” “I hope it’s not too late,” he said, too late.
Believing Trump’s lies about FEMA, cheering when he calls Kamala Harris a “shit vice-president,” and all the rest, is sad proof of how lost MAGAs are. Trump is explicitly running as a fascist. They don’t care. They relish it.
Hopefully not too late are Republicans joining forces to vote for the Harris/Walz ticket, Liz Cheney topping the increasingly long list. Making the case that a vote for Harris is the only conservative option, hers and Harris’ interview with former conservative talk-show host Charlie Sykes is must-see, especially for undecided voters (do they really exist?)
Let’s end with hilarity: Trump’s fry-cook-fakery at McDonald’s. The store was closed, the actions rehearsed, the “customers” hand-picked Trumpists, told what to do, which they did, knowing it was phony. If that isn’t the perfect metaphor for Trumpism, nothing is.
And he still hasn’t done a day’s worth (or twenty minutes) of honest work. Kamala Harris, by contrast, has.
Those men were farsighted and preternaturally brilliant, but not enough, tragically, to have envisioned the ease with which, centuries later, through a combination of dishonest media on one side and cowardly ones on the other, plus diminished public education and increasingly militant Christian nationalism, not to mention an ideological Supreme Court removing voting protections and allowing anonymous millions of dollars to buy elections, citizens could become enthralled by a pathological liar, fake Christian, malignant narcissist seeking power for personal aggrandizement and vengeance against those who’ve seen him as he is and called him on it.
During his popular-vote-losing “presidency,” Trump appointed 44 cabinet-level people, 40 of whom are now urging us not to vote for him. His highest-ranking general has described him as “fascist to the core.” His former Secretaries of State and Defense, among others, warn of existential danger should he regain the presidency. His consistently-debunked election lies are believed by nearly half the country and are the basis for legislatures in Republican states limiting access to voting by people likely to vote against them, under the pretext of preventing fraud, which, except for the occasional Republican, is virtually nonexistent.
Trump treats truthfulness like he did his first two wives. He’s offering nothing that promotes the general welfare, establishes justice, ensures domestic tranquility, or secures the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. It’s as if, in MAGA world, those prefatory Constitutional ideals were written in disappearing ink. Now, his utterances are mostly mephitic lies and promises to punish “migrants,” whom he describes as genetically-inferior murderers and rapists who’ll “break into your kitchen and slit your throat.”
People leaving his rallies must be doing so when he wanders away from feeding their lust for retribution or calling Kamala Harris “retarded,” and into bizarre discursions about sharks, batteries, and cannibals. Or, as just happened, standing on stage, mute, for 39 minutes.
Lies excuse hate. Hate excuses lies. The latest instance of dangerously delusional MAGA behavior comes from North Carolina, where, following Trump’s and his smarter clone’s fulminating falsehoods about the Biden administration’s response to devastating hurricanes, FEMA removed workers from hard-hit Rutherford County because of threats of harm to them. And not just North Carolina.
Given Trump’s obvious decline, torrential lying, and fascist foghorns (not dog whistles), that the election remains close means his supporters aren’t rationalizing his promise of wrathful dictatorship; they WELCOME it. Nearly half of America must relish imagining Trump, as he told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo last week, loosing our military on “radical left lunatics.” He mentioned Adam Schiff and, later, Nancy Pelosi; but he means all liberals. "The enemy within," he calls us, speaking fluent Fascist.
Other than that, what does Trump offer those supporters? Few are wealthy enough to receive his tax cuts. Many are benefitting from Obamacare, which Trump has promised to end. All will suffer the consequences of unregulated pollution. They, not other countries, will pay higher prices and face the inflation his tariffs will cause. And, because Trump will ignore it, their grandchildren will have to live, if they can, with intolerable climate change.
No, it must be delighted anticipation of seeing millions of darker-skinned people rounded up and sent to detention camps awaiting deportation. And, because Trump would appoint a willing Attorney General, it’s visualizing President Biden, Vice President Harris, Governors Walz and Newsom, the Clintons, truthful reporters, Merrick Garland, and every prosecutor pursuing Trump’s crimes, arrested and tried by a military tribunal before being locked away. (Some, evidently, will vote for him because he’s lying.)
Trump’s promise of Constitution-ignoring, punitive autocracy, his racism, misogyny, and xenophobia are increasingly obvious, though some, like Virginia’s Governor Younkin, would have you believe otherwise. Trumpists act offended when accused of sharing those views, but to vote for him is to enable and, therefore, to approve of them. It’s to reject America’s foundational ideals.
When nearly half the electorate is defenseless against malign manipulation, autocracy arrives and democracy departs. Our eighteenth-century founders believed they’d prevented it. It wasn’t the only thing they got wrong.
In Georgia, Trump added to his intra-galactic record of consecutive days with at least ten lies by claiming, a day after Governor Kemp had said he’d talked with President Joe Biden and received everything he’d asked for, that Kemp had been unable to reach Biden. Each of the governors of the four states most affected by the hurricane said the same: they’re getting what they need.
Trump’s visit was a photo-op to show how much he cares, in contrast to President Biden and Vice-President Harris who, by implication, don’t. That appearing amid rescue efforts distracts personnel from those efforts, and that the governors had asked them to stay away for now, mattered not to Trump and to his fluffers on Foxian media. His and their shamelessness knows no end. At least he didn’t toss paper towels this time. Nor did he mention Project Trump 2025’s intent to end FEMA and the National Hurricane Center. Funny, that.
For shamelessness, though, and evil, Trump hit an all-time low, directly accusing Kamala Harris of murder, blaming her personally for “letting in” a migrant who murdered someone. She may as well have had the gun in her hand, he said. “Lock her up,” chanted his delighted pawns. Suddenly it’s vice-presidents who make policy; who are responsible for inflation (but not its decline?), for border crossings (but not the reduction in same?), and whatever else Trump and MAGA Republicans would have us believe. Like rising crime which is falling. Puzzlingly, none of them credit Mike Pence for what Trump claims as accomplishments. He was, after all, hanging around.
The Constitution assigns one and only one job to the Vice President: breaking ties in the Senate. Which Kamala Harris did on several occasions, to the benefit of us all. Weirdly, it didn’t come up in the VP debate.
Made clear, though, is that JD Vance is a much more talented liar than Trump. He definitely won on style points, solid as a Yale padlock. And Governor Walz struck out looking as several fat, hanging curveballs floated by; a better debater would have knocked them out of the park. Like the whopping fabrication that Trump “saved” Obamacare. What saved it was the thumb heard 'round the world.
The programmed stuff is now over. Trump not only refuses to debate Vice-President Kamala Harris again, but he just backed out of appearing on 60 Minutes. Maybe it’s because, at a speech in Wisconsin, he looked and sounded weak and defeated, speaking barely above a whisper. And the smallifying crowd was all but silent. Even his lies about “bare cupboards” when Covid hit got nothing. Not mentioned was the fact that one of his early “presidential” acts was to disband the pandemic preparedness group established by President Obama. Probably just an oversight.
For all but the inexplicably remaining “undecideds,” minds are made up. A few “conservative” pundits are cynically demanding more “specifics” from Kamala Harris, despite the fact that she’s provided many and Trump’s have mainly been about economy-destroying, inflationary tariffs, imprisoning his enemies and, hot off the depresses, an unconstitutional day of wilding by police in which bad guys like shoplifters would be “roughly” taken out.
By now, we know who Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump are. It’s time to stop being distracted, as hoped by Team Trump, by squirrels; like almost non-existent transgenderizing of incarcerated criminals. An exception might be noting that when Trump just said that “eighteen years ago” San Francisco was the greatest city in the US, Kamala Harris was its District Attorney. History isn’t among his strong suits, evidently. Or arithmetic. Unless the curiously-timed longshore strike, led by their union president who’s a prominent pal of Trump, has an impact, there’s not much left to decide..
Which is another way of saying this column, written on an aging laptop by a man a month from 80 years old, sitting in a recliner with no commentary credentials, read by tens of people, is inconsequential. Maybe the best approach, for now at least, is to let things play out and remain silent. Let the cow chips fall where they may.