Saturday, February 14, 2009

There Was A Time...

... when bipartisanship was seen in a minority party. Of course, it was the Democrats.

Republicans not only have no memory, they have nothing worth remembering.


  1. Sid, are you throwin these big fat batting practice fastballs on purpose????
    1: Hmm so it was TAX CUTS that got bipartisan support?? Must be a good idea then. Might want to check that vote on the War too..who was that female senator that supported it? Hilary something..
    2: No Republicans worth remembering? Take a look at a penny, a $5 bill, and Mount Rushmore sometime, if you can get your head away from "Das Kapital" or whatever Commie stuff you read...


  2. Frank, are you throwin these bp balls on purpose?

    The point about tax cuts was that Democrats are able to act in a bipartisan way, when another party has won an election. Their definition of bipartisanship is being able to go part way toward the middle. The Rs is to force acceptance of their ideas. And, of course, they're just as capable of being wrong as Republicans, but not in as high a number. And you have implied that if a Democrat is for something it must be a good idea.

    And I didn't say no republicans worth remembering. I said no IDEAS worth remembering. You sort of have to be able to hold a thought from sentence to sentence to see that; and to know the meaning of words.

  3. Oh, you're wrong. Republicans remember Barney Frank's male prostitute live-in, Ted Kennedy's bravery over water, Bill Clinton's industry with the Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers (and his fatherly concern for his interns), Sandy Berger's investigation of the 9/11 documents, John Edward's friend (and child), Paul Wellstone's funeral, Frank Lautenburg, Dan Rostenkowski, William Jefferson's freezer, Jimmy Carter's foreign policy...

    Oops, sorry, those are your good memories. We Republicans will stick with winning the cold war, a free and democratic Iraq, the Civil Rights Act (passed over the objection of the Dems) and the emancipation proclamation. You're welcome.


  4. I won't bother to mention the names you left off your list: Vitter, Craig, Gingrich...

    And one can only wonder where those Republican ideals have gone. There was indeed a time in which there was much to admire, and I did.

  5. Bill. Are you CSC Bill?


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