That was based on a sample from Surgeonsblog. But wait! There's more!!!
I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Happily, two separate samples came up with DFW, whom I admire greatly. We went to the same college, where he left a much deeper and broader mark than I did. (What is the relationship between clear thinking and depression, anyway? I'm nowhere near the writer he was, nor is my intelligence close to his. My times of depression are less deep. His took him from this earth.)
Checking out one of my favorites from Surgeonsblog, I find this:
Reasonable, I suppose, when you have your hand on someone's liver.
So what am I to conclude? Either I have no style at all, or I'm facile in many genres, or the sampling test leaves much to be desired. I'm choosing door number three. The first option is convincing, too.
[Update, 7/21: Looks like choice #3 was indeed the correct one. In fact, it seems the whole thing is a scam and a thinly-veiled promotion for a publishing site. Explains a lot.]
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