Wednesday, April 4, 2012


C'mon... How can anyone not like the guy?


  1. OK, I might not have known that Surpreme Court Judges don't stand for election, but I can Star Trek Trivia like a Mo-Fo...
    "Live Long and Prosper" Baby,
    and did you know the name of Spock's Human Mom, and bonus points for who played her in the most recent ST movie...
    Khan's last name?
    McCoy's alma mater?

    No, I didn't date much .


  2. You refer to earthling Amanda Grayson, played, originally, by Mrs Ronnie.

    Bones went to college at Ol' Miss (probably New Miss, by then). Records are unclear as to his med school. Some say Star Fleet.

    And I thought Khan was his last name. Changed from Cohen after he had his foreskin regrown.

  3. Wrong Wrong Wrong, and definately not logical...
    well actually your probably right about Spocks Mom, but I was thinkin the hot Winona Ryder version...
    Ole Miss? Even Confederate-o-files like me don't take M-I-crooked letter crooked letter I, Humpback Humpback I (thats how we learn to spell in the South, with complicated Numonics that just make it harder)seriously.
    and Khans last name was "Singh".
    And it takes really great acting for someone with a latin accent to play a Genetically Bred Superhuman Indian...



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