Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Brain Drain


I apologize to all the veterans and their families I’ve offended. It was a very bad mistake.

Can anyone imagine Trump saying that? About anything, let alone his Arlington Cemetery desecration? One of the last honorable Republicans, John McCain did, using those final six words. Instead, after floating various excuses and lies, Trump went with “it was a setup” by the Biden administration and, yes, even Gold Star families.

Dutifully, JD Vance tried to flip it to attack Kamala Harris. “She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up?” Vance said. “She can go to hell.” Big cheers. At the time, she’d said not a word about it. Later, she did, and remains topside.

In addition to Trump’s inability to take responsibility, there’s his lack of core values, seen as he set the 24-hour flipflop record, on Florida’s six-week abortion ban. (Advice for the Vice President: when he attacks her changed positions, she should say, “He was once a pro-choice Democrat. I changed for the better; he changed for the worse.”)

Last week, to “Moms for Liberty,” who are, more accurately, moms for the exact opposite, Trump said this: “The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and he comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s gonna happen to your child. And you know many of these childs (sic) say fifteen years later “What the hell happened? Who did this to me?”” OMG: It's real!

Suspecting that Kamala Harris will do the transgenderizing surgery herself, it’s unlikely the “moms” were concerned that a would-be recidivist “president” uttered something so hallucinatory, so bizarre, so weird that no brain within two standard deviations of stable could have birthed it.

There are only two possibilities for being so unloosed from reality: Either his mind is so unraveled that he actually thinks it happens, or he knows it doesn’t but assumes voters will believe and vote for him. Except within the most Foxified, uncritical, Trumpically-unbalanced minds, both should be considered disqualifying for another stint in the White House. As we witness him becoming increasingly incoherent, everywhere, option one is the more likely.

Imagine: Trump, divorced from reality even more than from his first two wives on whom he cheated, is in the Situation Room, faced with a multifactorial international crisis, demanding that he process rapidly changing, incomplete information, and evaluate advice from his confidants. As he’s made clear, those advisers will have been chosen not for competence but for obsequious willingness to do whatever Trump asks, constitutionality and rationality be damned. He’s said he’ll purge his “government” of career experts, so the advice he gets will be useless sycophancy. The prospect of him applying his dissociative thinking, unrestrained, ought to be terrifying to everyone. Likely, he’d just ask, “WWPD”?

Who but MAGAs could trust him to make well-reasoned decisions in the best interest of the US? Only those who love him for his hatefulness, finding all else irrelevant, could rationalize putting him back there, finger on the nuclear button. He’s promised to fire all general officers who refused to activate his impulsive, catastrophic ideas first time around, and replace them with ones like deranged, QAnon-adherent Michael Flynn.

If not for truthless rightwing and feckless mainstream media, the nightmare prospect of Trump again in office, babbling like he did to the “moms” while making critical decisions, should put him behind in the polls 75-25%. That he’s not confirms the anti-democracy success of post-Reagan endumbification efforts by Republicans.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to stoke and praise violence. At a rally last week, an attendee leapt into the press area and had to be tased and restrained by police. Trump said, “That’s beautiful” and "That's alright. That's OK. No, he's on our side.” The man to whom the Supreme Court gave near-absolute immunity for crimes. The man readying his mobs for another January 6. 

Who “our side” is, if not already clear, might be learned from his recent choices of rally venues: Howell, Michigan. Lacrosse, Wisconsin. Johnstown, Pennsylvania. What they have in common is that they were once known as “sundown towns,” cities in which Blacks were not allowed to be out after dark. Perhaps it’s unintended coincidence. I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but they are what they are. 

Always for conspiracy theories, Trump is now suggesting the assassination attempt was an “inside job,” coordinated by President Biden. But it balances the social media chatter that it was orchestrated by Trump, to get that money-making photo op. The evidence is that, like school shooters, the perpetrator was a solo, sick person.

There’s another sick person, too, one who endangers us all. Maybe not solo, though, as he’s the choice of a major political party. He was “president” once. Remember how it was. For the sake of all Americans, including his deluded supporters, he must never be again.


  1. Brain drain, indeed! I watched video of him saying words that were purportedly intended to answer a question posed by an economics group in New York yesterday. The question was about childcare and even after watching the video, then listening with eyes closed, then reading the transcript, I am unable to find one idea in what was a five-minute conglomerate of nouns, verbs, and something. We've come to call these blatherings 'word salad' but I love salad, and I won't besmirch its good name by lumping it with the nonsense he spoke.

    I'm looking forward to the debate on Tuesday.

    1. I've seen several clips from that appearance. Word salad; and yet, there were applause.

      I haven't decided whether to watch the debate live or after reading some commentary. Not to know what to think; what to expect. She ought do fine, though. Big question: ignore him or respond to his bullshit?

    2. I think that I must have seen the same response. "He's a #*@$)<*@!*&% moron!!!!" was my shout to the world, but only my wife heard it. I never used to swear at home! And hardly ever anywhere else (except the Army), but dammit the country is at risk! My wife is now occasionally seasons her reactions!

      Harris needs to respond to his crap, whether directly or indirectly. She needs to hit back and make him look the idiot that he is, and hammer on the likely consequences his winning would ensure. If she isn't that direct, I think that her performance may risk comparison with Biden's disaster — no matter how well spoken her replies to the moderator(s).

      He's an idiot and that is the real danger. He won't be a gatekeeper.

    3. I will watch as much of the debate--his speaking, at least--as I can tolerate without feeling my gorge rising. I'm not exaggerating when I say I have a physical, visceral reaction to him. Sometimes I call it my BS meter pegging out, sometimes it is nausea, sometimes anger, but there will definitely be curse words and yelling at the TV involved.

      She can make mincemeat of him, and I look forward to that. We've all seen the clips of what she did to Barr, Kavanaugh, and Howdy Doody--I mean, Sessions! I know she can, but in order to win more folks to her side, she needs to be policy based and driven. A comment here and there pointing out that he has no policies, and then launching into her own.

      BTW, how about them Cheney apples? Liz and Dick both? Perhaps others now will see they have permission to say the same thing?

    4. I doubt the Cheneys' announcements will change minds. MAGAs already consider them RINOs.

      I like that Liz is voting for Collin Allred, Cruz's opponent, whether or not it makes a difference.

  2. Separate thread, and one where I'm looking for advice and suggestions. I dropped my subscription to the Washington Post about 3 months ago, and the NY Times a couple years ago because of their both-sides slants. I am now reading AP and Reuters but honestly, even AP is falling down on the job, IMO. I read the Everett Herald but that might have to end because their coverage is so diminished now with the firing of half the reporting staff, and I read the Seattle Times sporadically. I subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer, but that isn't doing it for me, so I dropped that too. I used to subscribe to the Atlantic too, and I like their deep, long form reports, but it isn't really a daily news source. I'm flummoxed, frankly. What do you read on a daily basis?

    1. I do read WaPo and NYT and I share your frustration with them. I also read The Atlantic, and I've been watching lots of videos and reading content from The Bulwark, who are well-informed, well-spoken never-Trumpers. Staying in my own lane too much, I guess.

      Listening at the moment to Sarah Longwell, who's the publisher of the Bulwark; she does lots of focus groups and reports on them. Today's would make you pull out your hair: Trump-leaning people saying, yeah, he lies but he tells the truth.

      To them, it's mostly about the economy and the price of eggs.

    2. Yes, the Bulwark and Sarah Longwell. I consume a lot more information on YouTube from those sources and others. I cast about and try tons of stuff, but a 'regular, trusted source' seems not to exist lately. I believe most of our problem with each other and both-sides reporting is the lack of one truth/ one set of facts. It just frustrates me no end!

    3. TYT is a good network. They get into some fringe stuff. But it's pretty much the straight truth.

  3. Sarah Longwell's latest. She's right of course.

    1. Yes, she's excellent. I catch her on YouTube along with Tim Miller and Charlie Sykes. The trouble with YouTube of course, is the algorithm that sends things to me that I've liked, rather than those that might be more illuminating. The question for our ages is how the heck do we get full and honest reporting? I have a pretty strong intuition for when something just ain't right, and I'm not saying I don't consume that info, but I then follow up to see why my question marks needed to be answered. It's just all so exhausting, and as I said above to our friend, Sid, I want there to be one truth/ one set of facts again. Where are the likes of Huntley & Brinkley and Walter Cronkite?

    2. I subscribe to The Bulwark, so I get regular emails and access to their YouTube videii.

    3. Here's a perfect MSNBC "horse race" 24/7 news.

      The poll at the end between " big change" and "more of the same"

      Trump won big changes by a wide margin. Kamala the "More of the same.

      Steve said the Kamala needed to convince voters of change. No, it's "good change" vs. "Bad change"

      Hitler is not a "more of the same" candidate.
      Kamala is more calm and joyful. Much like Biden's term.

      Voters want "more of the same" = big changes that are noble in cause. Joe's the most progressive POTUS in history. More is just fine with me.

      But Kornacki pretends it's a liability. When in fact Kamala will be "more of the same".

      Do understand this.

      The vast majority are left of center voters. "More of the same" is a border deal finally. A budget finally. There's a lot of stuff that gets fixed. Joe has been a beast. He's accomplished so much. It was NEVER the policies. It was the fact Joe was nearly ambulatory. His wife finally had to tell him and Nancy AKA Savior of the fing republic.

      We will continue to be a democracy thanks to Nancy Pelosi. They pissed her off.

      So it depends on how you frame it. Asking an asinine poll question is just ignorant. Then to call it as some kinda twisted hard fact? Paleeez. The context is devoid at best and misleading at worse.

  4. Does anyone remember what it was really like with that pos in office?

  5. Who watched it??? Anybody?
    I did...and it was fucking fabulous!

  6. Here's a fun post debate spot with Rachele. Tim gets to hear for the first time Taylor Swift's post after the debate/masacre last night. It was a red wedding except that asshole was the only one there. The rest of them just took a broadside in their state and local campaigns. Everyone attached to that pos is attached to that pos forever.

    Check this out...

    Being a security risk that gets every agency in 'mercah, plus, worldwide? You are a clear and present danger to the entire whirled. They are focused on dismantling the propaganda machine. The entire network. And with American voters help? It'll go much faster and smoothererest.

    I think Cheetolini missed a huge opportunity to drill down on MS-13 and Boko Haram. I think it will cost him the election.


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