Thursday, September 25, 2008

Great Minds

I stopped watching CNN a long time ago, because I came to develop wheezing and flatulence whenever I saw Wolf Blitzer. Plus, I think they've become the sine qua non of phony "balance:" ie, if someone says the sun rises in the west you put on someone who "disagrees" and leave it at that.

So I hadn't been aware that Campbell Brown has become a ranter, like me. But what really got my attention was the title of her talks. I'd not seen it before I titled this blog. You'll have to trust me on that.


  1. "You'll have to trust me on that." Couldn't help but smile at that line, Sid.

  2. I still like the title of your blog!

    As an aside... I call CNN and MSNBC reality news. I've stopped watching the stuff too!


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