Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Card-Carrying Columnist

Here's an interesting development: I've been asked to write a weekly column in our local newspaper, and it'll start tomorrow. It was my conservative coffee-buddy, also a writer for them, who proffered my name. I'm unsure if the invitation came in spite of or due to reading this blog; or, maybe, from not reading it at all (I've sent some letters over the years, and have written a couple of special columns). Compared to this here thing, my readership will quazillionuple.

My plan is to keep talking about the things I talk about here (along with some lighter stuff); but, because I might actually know some of the people reading it -- might have, you know, saved their lives at one time or another, or fixed their hernias, snatched out their gallbladders, stood on the sidelines watching their kids play soccer with mine -- I plan to be a little less, uh, colorful. Second-guesser of myself that I am, I'm already having second thoughts: who am I, really, to have an actual platform (as opposed to a self-chosen blog) from which to expound?

We'll see how it goes, whether I can stand the heat. As long as it lasts, I'll be searching for that elusive reader, the one to whom the force of my reasonableness and indisputable rightness is irresistible, causing the changing of a Foxified mind, turning toward the light.

[Update: seems the first one is put off till Saturday...]

[Upperdate: seems it's now Sunday... Getting embarrassing.]

[Image source]


  1. Congratulations! Great to hear. Just remember there are many, many readers for every item of feedback you get.

    Hopefully you'll still be able to post the stuff here, after it's published, or maybe a link or something?

  2. Dr. S: Good luck with your column! You are a skilled communicator and I expect your work will be well received (and widely read).

  3. Delightful news. I hope your thoughts will reach a vastly larger audience, as you suspect, and that you convince more than a few of them that your insights are on target...I'm sure you'll get some negative feedback from the 'baggers, but c'est la vie.
    Mark V

  4. Please Provide link to paper - abtefntime -


  5. Congratulations Dr S! I've always thought you could do something like this.

    "might have, you know, saved their lives at one time or another, or fixed their hernias, snatched out their gallbladders, " ...*sigh* ...bygone days of your surgical posts. Miss them.

    Anyway - you'll be thought provoking. Have fun with it. :)

  6. Wonderful news, Sid. We knew you had it in you... and you've been spilling it on TWO blogs, for a marginal and scattered public, for years! I'm so happy for you.

  7. "Newspaper"
    you still HAVE those???
    along with the telegraph, so you can dot-dash-dash-dot your (!) musings from home to the visor wearing editor just before deadline..
    "STOP THE PRESSES" he'll shout, as the grizzled editor decides which story to put under the fold...
    Oh thats right, you guys are cutting edge...
    you've got Teletype...


  8. Pat said....DITTO!

  9. This is terrific news!!!! See if you can get me a column based on my blog too! We could be so retro-hip to start out in cyberspace and move into the exciting new world of print!


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