Monday, October 8, 2012

Why It's Important

This is exactly the argument for Obama and against Romney. Sadly, because of outright lies by Mitt Romney and somnolence by President Obama, it wasn't evident in the first debate. But it's still the truth, the distilled essence of what the election is about. RWS™ would prefer that you think it's about who's a Muslim Nazi Kenyan, or about death panels, or a secret plan to take your guns away. Because, on the truth, they lose.


  1. EICOTUS has achieved one thang with his Altitude corrected D-bate performance...
    Shut up the discussion on this blog, seriously, it's like tryin to find a Penn State "Nitily Lions" fan...

    Frank "Obnoxious at any Altitude" Drackman

  2. It's true, Frank: between deleting some of your comments, and having identified others that go directly to spam before I see them, it's sometimes lonely in the comment section. On the other hand, visitors continue to increase, I get emails, and am content with the content.

    Guess with one notable exception, my readers wait till they have something useful to add; and since I cover the topics so brilliantly, among the already well informed, there's no need for redundancy.

  3. There's something wrong with the mission of considering it a "duty to continually restate the obvious", and then continually posting Franks (or continually restating)obvious and obnoxious comments- which is more redundancy... I suppose, of which there's no need. Wasn't it Twain that said something about arguing with stupid people?


  4. Trust me, I've been deleting about 2/3 of Frank's comments lately. Why not 100%?

    There's another saying, from med school days: "Dyspareunia is better than no pareunia."

  5. No Frank, if you are referring to the Dyspareunia comment, that would be Jerry Sandusky.

  6. Sid,

    This little old lady loves reading your blog. I rarely comment on any blog, but, tonight, I was inspired by Cory's comments.

    Who is this Frank Drackman jerk and why do you put up with his ridiculous comments?

    Thanks for listening.



Comments back, moderated. Preference given for those who stay on topic.

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