Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Readers of last week’s column, which highlighted Trump’s bizarre claims about the extraneous Arizona election audit, are now convinced he’s a pathological liar or clinically insane. After this week’s, none will doubt he’s a would-be Mafia Don. Capo di tutti capi. Who controls a nationwide criminal organization intent on taking down democracy the way the Sicilian Mafia took down the few brave police and prosecutors who stood in their way.

(Having just spent time there, seeing memorials, everywhere, to those selfless resistors and the pride Sicilians deservedly take in finally standing up to the mob, we hope for comparable monuments in a future America. Assuming she has a future.)

Despite Republican/Trumpist/Foxian efforts to disappear it, some Americans might remember January 6. Some may even have sought legitimate, Fox/Newsmax/OAN-free sources of information about it, and discovered how Trump nearly accomplished overturning a legitimate, fraud-free election, by way of corrupt insiders and orchestrated insurrection. And the extent to which prominent Rs abetted the sedition. And still are. 

So, though its Republican members would like to rub it out, we have a Congressional Commission looking in. Subpoenas have been issued to Trump’s henchmen and consiglieri, as well they should. Because Congressional oversight is how our democracy protects itself from despotism. It’s in the Constitution – that hoary document which, while claiming willingness to die for it, today’s Republicans and their draft-dodging leader are setting on fire to light their torches of demographic resentment.

Overseeing the Executive is our Constitution’s second-most important safeguard. The Declarative Dads got several things wrong (slavery, women, Electoral College, too-skewed Senate), but, familiar with the tyranny of monarchical power, that part they got right. Without it, dictatorship is inevitable, and getting all too close.

Venerated parchment has no power of its own. Absent universal, non-partisan buy-in, calligraphic words are vapor. We’ve seen how close we came to a failed republic when Trump put lawless lackeys in charge of critical institutions. And we’ve heard the Republican hos and hums that followed.

Don Trumpleone doesn’t buy in, nor do members of his party in Congress. Or out in the states. So, despite lacking the power of office, but supported by his 24/7 network of media wiseguys, he made an offer they couldn’t refuse: Defy the subpoenas. Put concrete shoes on the rule of law. Shove it through smashed windows. Reveal yourselves as an anarchic crime family. It worked during impeachment, consequence-free. The party of law, patriotism, family values, and fiscal responsibility: making words meaningless; getting away with it.

Defy them they did. Which bids us to remind their cheerers-on, in case they’ve forgotten, that when a Republican Congress blamed Hillary Clinton for all our country’s woes, she, believing in law and order, answered their subpoenas, sat for eleven hours straight while trumped-up charges kangarooed her way; amounting, in the end, to nothing.

Contempt of Congress is a punishable crime, as it must be. This time, actual crimes were committed. Trump’s Department of Justice, upon which the responsibility of prosecution falls, was headed by an obsequious lieutenant, willing to lie to America, who considered his job protecting the godfather, rather than the law.

Now it’s Merrick Garland, a man of unquestionable integrity. Understanding and committed to preserving the independent role of his Department, unlike his conscience-free, Trumpophilic predecessors, it’s likely he’ll see justice served. And, accordingly, that our democracy and respect for its laws are preserved. 

At least we hope so. If not, it’s over. Foxotrumpification has brought us closer than the founders imagined possible. Not just politicians, and not just their disingenuous repetition of Trump’s Big Lie.

With deliberately incendiary language, amoral Foxfather Tucker Carlson, in it for money and the orgastic thrill of power over the incurably incurious, called on viewers to attack school boards for requiring masks. Criminal child abuse, he called it. They did as commanded. Such malleable idiocy is inimical to democracy and an embarrassment to long-gone Republicanism. It’s only one example of what they’ve become. 

More powerful than Congressional oversight, fair and free elections are the ultimate bulwark against authoritarianism. While proclaimed “conservatives” cheer in deadly silence, red states are close to obliterating that, too. With ever more egregious and blatantly race-based gerrymandering, along with phony laws aimed at non-existent fraud, the Trumpist gang has ordered a hit on majority rule. A carefully-calibrated coup

Without resistance from within, of which there’s little left, the Don and his transcontinental crime family will confirm how powerless our Constitution really is, when so few on the right actually believe in it.

But don’t take it from me. Take it from one of their most-targeted truth-tellers.


  1. I found it sickening watching senior Senator Grassley publicly degrade himself at the feet of Trump, symbolically bowing to his king. At a rally! It was disgusting. What a sad, old, weak man, reduced to an empty shell. A suit and a pair of shoes. Vote for the Grassleysaurus! Don't worry, Don owns him now!

    The more I think about it, the more I think it fits right in with your Mafia Don characterization. Trump really is our first "political crime boss", something unthinkable until his arrival. He has a real mob, too. Not just Republican politicians and conservative Republicans, but also a 'social underbelly' of citizens and gangs who would march at the slightest suggestion or coded indirection by Trump. We're seeing threatening behavior every day on the news now. There's more to it than fear of election loss or excommunication.

    1. This is the BS behind the coup...

      Expert: Trump Might Start A Civil War In 2024

    2. Without Bannon, Trump would be somewhat less of a threat to democracy simply because of his ignorance and incompetence, but I am certain that there are others who would fill the vacancy. Let's hope that the right FBI guys are under deep cover over there.

    3. Drumpf has everyone do his bidding for him. He's never done anything by himself other than ruin stuff.

    4. "Vote for the Grassleysaurus!"

      That's hysterical!

      I spelled checked it and that is the correct way to spell

  2. The people are catching on...It's about time.


  3. Typical alt right response to their shithole states problems...This is your tax payer dollars at work. Don't feed, house and clothe the poor...Bribe the wealthy and well off folks to come move into the state! They need more alt right voters damit! I guess Joe Man-Chin is not about self sufficiency after all. End unemployment and give the money to people who will move from other states to W. VA. and bolster the 2 class system.

    "Meet the people getting paid $10,000 for moving to West Virginia"
    "A remote-work program hopes people come for a year and stay forever"

  4. Just in time for Halloween...It's the website for antivaxxers.

    Roger "Danger" Gundersen, 48, Vancouver, WA, anti-vaxxer, Ivermectin worshiper, Dead, COVID.

  5. So who is turning the other cheek and hopes and prayers for these people??? How do you ignore this?

    Florida School Board Member Details Terrifying Harassment By Anti-Maskers

    1. For me it's getting kinda personal, as my wife is running again for the Mukilteo School Board, and has gotten some pretty nasty, even threatening emails. The meetings, so far, have been civil, but they've had police presence for the first time ever.

    2. Here's their strategy!!!

      OOPS: Fox Guest Accidentally Tells the Truth About Anti-Mask Protests

  6. Told ya he'd do nothing. He means to kill the 3.5 trillion bill with Kyrsten as a grifter accomplice.

    Are we ready to get rid of these types of people in govt.? Naw, we don't really want to change anything.

    1. I fear that by the time we can get rid of them, it will be too late.

  7. As usual... well said, Doctor. I'm working on an essay based around Isaac Asimov's character The Mule from 'The Foundation Trilogy' and The Mule's mental powers of persuasion and enslavement compared to Durmpf's and the GOP. The correlations are scary and relevant.

    1. I'd like to read it. The Foundation trilogy, which I read at a fairly young age, kinda changed my thinking on lots of things. And began my love of science fiction. (Which eventually fizzled out...)

    2. I was a big fan of Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein et al back in the day. You might enjoy The Expanse series on Amazon. It is perhaps the best SF video drama series ever (the books are also great). However, the authors may be just a bit too optimistic about our future.

    3. "Asimov"

      My cousin Jack was a sci fi reader and turned me on to him. Dune was the last sci fi I read and that was in the USMC in Japan.

      My love of sci fi took me to Carl Sagan and Chariots of the Gods and physics. Space Balls is one of the greatest cinematic achievements of the 20th century.

    4. One of these days I'll steal back my SF books that our daughter "borrowed" years ago, including the Foundation trilogy. Big thumbs way up for The Expanse: Season 6 begins 10 December.

      Let's see... can I make this comment column-relevant? OK, Trump wouldn't have lasted through a single episode of The Expanse. He would have been 'spaced' in Season 1.

    5. I think he would have gotten infected by the protomolecule and turned into a ravaging monster. Oh wait....

  8. Sorry but there's no turning back. The alt right party is once again a lost cause party...Again...

    Once again, Jordon fingers the pulse...

    Jordan Klepper vs. Iowans Who Think Trump Won


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