Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tim 'n Stuff


Tim Walz is a good choice. So would have been any of the others from among whom VP Harris chose. Walz is a likable guy. With a shiv. It was he who started the “weird” moniker. Like Kamala, he’ll bring the fun. And dead seriousness. Appropriate as “weird” is, it applies better to R “Cubby” FK, Jr. The word for Trump and Trumpists is “creepy.” Let’s go with that from now on.

Also creepy are those who accuse Democrats of “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)” for speaking truth. The real TDS is exemplified by this satirical but accurate video. It’s believing his lies and loving them. It’s being expected to swallow them without chewing, as confirmed by Trump’s appearance at the NABJ, delayed by his demand that there would be no real-time fact-checking

The difference is stark: Lying is how Trump appeals to his base. Kamala Harris appeals to hers, and to everyone, by telling the truth. While many of the Trump/Vance lies are laughable, others are dangerously inciteful, deliberately. Examples of the former: she wants to take away your gas stoves and cars. And cows. Wants to change your kids’ gender. The latter: “they” tried to kill him. Because he’s smarter, that shameful lie makes JD Vance more deplorable than Trump.

As Trump contemplates the possibility of losing to a Black (and, yes, Indian) woman, his bitter negativity contrasts ever more with her joyful positivity. Having an unpopular and negative agenda, he can only lie, which, coincidentally, is something he’s perfected over a lifetime. Having policies approved by a majority of Americans, Kamala Harris has only to be truthful.

So he and his mouthers look for distractions: despicable Laura Ingraham stooped to deriding Kamala for hugging people. The human touch is foreign to Fox “news.” Now it’s Doug Emhoff’s affair while married to his former wife. Really? They want to go there? Three words: Trump. And Trump.

Also, Trump.

If ever there were an issue from which Trump and his apologists would like to distract, it’s last week’s revelation of ten million dollars, in cash, weighing two hundred pounds, withdrawn from an Egyptian bank, mysteriously ending up amongst Trump’s campaign funds. Accepting bribes? Unsurprising. It appears he’d already promised oil executives anything they wanted in return for a billion

But it’s worse: Attorney General Barr, Trump’s handyman in his weaponized DOJ, quashed investigations into the affair, as he’d done in firing US Attorneys looking into Trump’s pre-presidential crimes. The story is so important that this gifted link is useable for non-WaPo subscribers.

Having excoriated Trump as unsuitable to be president, Barr says he’ll still vote for him. Such spineless and sycophantic amorality makes him perfect to appear regularly on Fox “news” and its imitators. So he does.

Spines are similarly scarce southward. After Trump went on a Cobb salad of a rant in Georgia, about its governor Brian Kemp’s “disloyalty” for not lying for him, Kemp responded: “My focus is on ... saving our country from Kamala Harris ... not engaging in petty personal insults.” He’ll vote for him, in other words, leaving us to wonder: from what dangers of Kamala Harris does the country need saving that outweigh the clear and present ones of Trump? Not to mention his bottomless indecency, which shames us all.

It’s a question for all Republicans disliking but still planning to vote for Trump: Why? What vision of America under Kamala Harris threatens your way of life? How awful would it be for you and your families if she were able, like Governor Walz was in Minnesota, to see that hungry children are fed and homeless are housed? What do you expect from Trump that justifies overlooking his lawlessness, childish pettiness, and promises of governance by dictatorship? Tax breaks? Deregulation? You won’t get those unless you’re a billionaire or polluter. Is it rounding up undocumented aliens?

If you consider yourself conservative, how do you excuse his congratulating Putin for the deal that freed Americans imprisoned in Russia, issuing not a word to the captives or praise for the countries involved? And lying that he never gave anything for his deals? Other than, you know, releasing five hundred Taliban prisoners held by Afghanistan. And these.

Are you distracted from his promise not to “spend a penny” on schools that require vaccines, which is all of them? “For cheers at a rally,” he may as well have said, “I’ll trade children crippled or dying from polio, suffering deadly measles pneumonia, or becoming sterile from mumps.” And cheer they do. You, too? When he says he doesn’t need your votes, does it make you think he expects his certification-deniers to overturn state elections?

If you were to place country over Trump, you wouldn’t be alone. Could this help you decide?

Kamala Harris will win the popular vote massively. The undemocratic, outdated Electoral College, though? Who knows?

Also, Tim Walz is younger than Brad Pitt.


  1. Excellent, awesome wordsmithing! As usual the links are bang on, I especially enjoyed the last one. It made my morning coffee particularly enjoyable. Thanks!!

  2. Teaching me a lesson in humility...How on Earth did I completely dismiss Tim Walz? Thinking if I ain't heard much racket from him or on Earth. He's not going to be a front runner. Because yunno. I am always right. Ever thinking I am wrong is absurd. I know and see all!

    Except for Tim Walz. Like the first Godzilla movie. I'm not talking THAT movie where Zilly smashes Tokyo like beer cans. Destroy power lines faster than private corporations in TX. Not that one...

    It's this one...How I was wrong on this I'll never know.This short is a work of cinematic genius. I predicted it would sweep the oscars over all the dumb stupid films of 1969.

    I give you Walz vs. Benito Cheetolini. Tim is the giant lizard.

    1. Brother Tim makes me smile every damn time I see him! Smart, sharp, funny, and as real as they come. I feel so good about our chances now.

    2. I tell you what. I saw it when he was introduced. Understand. I legit dismissed him. I knew exactly zero other than he was 60 and from MN. That's all. He is the best cheerleader of all the VP candidates by far. Pete is the most likable, intelligent and articulate of the bunch. But Tim is ridiculously great at cheering on and supporting her/anyone/anything. He's an advertisers dream. Like Ron Popeil.

      Athis first intro/rally to us voters. He was a great cheerleader. I was talking to Doc about that. I listen to the words. But I am really watching and listening to the production quality. Who presents their candidates best. Remember...Whomever the voters would rather have a beer with, wins. It was Benito. Now it's Momala by a country mile.

      I noticed in that first rally. Tim tried to start a chant. About the 4th or 5th "we won't go back" he started to look a little meek and feeling out of place. About 6-7 the crowd started to pick up. By 10 the crowd was chanting and the relief on his face was really

      But now? They don't even need to start the chants. They are simply organic. That's how you know if the message is received and how it's being received.

      Tim is an A+ cheerleader and garden variety supporter. That's his entire resume. Communication, character and in touch. Like all teachers. They are in touch with the human condition. It's a shame on us all the condition our schools are in. The poverty most live under. Wealth disparity is disgustingly shameful. Just like Hitler. It was all voted for.

      Had I known his resume'? I'd still picked Pete to win the VP gig. But he would have been my 2nd pick by a mile. Only the fact Pete was not a sitting Gov. or sitting in any position. I believe Shapiro is best in PA. Not nationally. Pete was the only midwest candidate sans Tim, and I dismissed him. These so called "battleground/must win" states. There's more than one way to win. The entire midwest is begging. BEGGING for their messiah to arrive. Nobody gives a single shit about fly over states. They don't waste time and money appearing there. Momala has been to the battleground states in the teens. Every one of them. It's not even Sept. I've always said if we fight a 50 state campaign we win. Voter turnout is our kryptonite. We need to activate voters in all 50. Then keep them activated by bringing home the bacon for these folks who WANT to come into the digital age and secular social constructs.

      The ones who prefer white supremacy and corporate welfare are going to have to suffer with the new money that their states get from the feds.

      New Deal 2.0 is what Momala is preaching. If we give her the house and senate? Single payer healthcare is on the table. Gun laws. Money in politics. Greed. bank regulations and so on.

      Trickle down does not work and never has. Unless you were first into the pyramid scheme. Then you are wealthy beyond anything they deserve. It was all based on flat wages for 40+ years. The kids saw their parents and friends parents struggle. Now they struggle. They see their rights evaporating.

      I've always said the kids and girls will save democracy. Not the 0351 USMC dude. And they will.

      Voting rights are going to make a comeback. End the filibuster. Once voting becomes available electronically? The progressives will win every election for the next 50 years most likely longer. It used to be the Dems. every election.

      Used to be.

  3. Wanna see what an instant grass roots campaign looks like in this century? The best ever by a Secretariat sized lead?

    That other guy has nobody but psychophants. Not creative, not funny, not smart, not well produced and boring overall in an amateurish way. Crunchy weiner himself had writers to make him seem smart and not look like a low IQ Nazi. In debt. Out on bail running for POTUS. They are saving that for some reason.It's low hanging fruit

    FYI...I am seeing that the kids are using that piece of shit as a play toy. The one that's so fun it ends up being the sleeper hit at Christmas. Finally a toy you get your money's worth out of. Of course, kids being kids, they will move on after crushing the POS. The thing is this. The kids WILL bury you 6' under if you piss them all off. Boomers just threaten violence and cry fowl. and bok bok bok as fast as they can when they are confronted. EXCEPT!??? The'll fight em to the death. BLM protesters never did that. They vandalized but never intended to hurt even the cops. There's always Proud Pee Pee's. .00001% of the population. There's more Marines in service than them x2 I bet. maybe 40 are ready to fight. I mean 40 in the entire confederacy. They think they are Dan Daley.

    Well? This? Is EXACTLY what pissing off the girls looks like. With the kids on their hip. Bumper sticker: Kamala 2024 "I am that Bitch!". Slang for "there's only one person that'd "bitch slap" you. And I am that Bitch." Kamala and Tim clearly do not like bullies. Being a prosecutor and a teacher will tend to do that to you. confederate parents promote the "Hatfield/McCoy approach to conflict management so they can handle themselves when they are older. That's why they are so easily fooled. "Don't spare the rod". It's all standard fare. They'll never change. They will die this way. Bitter, angry, confused, defeated stripped of any respect or dignity.

    Here it is...The progressives getting it done. BLUE WAVE is what it screams. Deafeningly so.

    1. One of my cousins had some shirts made in Democrat blue, with a pearl necklace and the words, "I Understand the Assignment" on the front. On the back, "Harris/ Walz, 2024". Mine should be here in a week or so!

    2. I ordered one that has the image of a comma followed by "la," of which there are several varieties:

    3. I meant Dan DALY..Not Daley.

      Here's a cool look into USMC history. We learn it in Boot Camp. An entire week on USMC history and the UCMJ etc.

    4. The little girl to Tim's right is a beast! She's so good. She is an enthusiastic clapper! It's like she understands perfectly what's required for the moment. Barron at that age fidgets and picks his nose with a pillow perm. Not judging. Just saying.

  4. I was away for a few days at beautiful Lake Wenatchee with my college friends, so I'm late to the comments. As an aside, the last two years at our annual girl party we have been able to actually get into Lake Wenatchee this early in the summer, which is a big change from all our previous parties, because it was always bone-chillingly cold. But hey, enough about climate change! Apparently, the sockeye season has been good over there too!

    I am so excited about Harris/ Walz, and I was quite cautiously optimistic, but now I'm just optimistic. I feel this impending victory coming, and I think it will translate to down-ballot candidates, too. I'm more cautious still about those races but check me in a couple weeks. Man, JOY FEELS GOOD!

    Syd, I just have one complaint. You have now semi-tainted one of my favorite foods. The venerable Cobb Salad never did anything to warrant being besmirched by a mention with TFG. You are forgiven this one time.

    1. Welcome back. And you are forgiven for misspelling my name.

    2. I was too busy trying to be clever to be accurate. Fail on both!

    3. Welcome back :O)

      This will change your life.

    4. And the interviews are real. Those people are lost and will never find their way back.

    5. It's sad really. They will never be happy.


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