Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Weirdly Hopeful


I’m trying to measure this feeling of hope and enthusiasm against the reality that it’s an uphill battle for a woman to become president; especially one who’s not white. But there’s no denying the excitement among voters who’d been feeling a heavy sense of – can I say it, Jimmy? – malaise.

Joe Biden’s presidential accomplishments are legion. Freed now from having to promote himself, he’s diving into needed reforms of our out-of-control, Constitution-rewriting Supreme Court. But it had become clear that if he remained in the race he was likely to lose to an increasingly deranged, dangerous, and – let’s say it together -- weird man, demonstrably the greatest threat to democracy of any former or potential “president” in our history. Stepping aside only magnified President Biden’s greatness.

Contrary to Trump’s flop-sweaty attacks on Kamala Harris’ laugh, I find it refreshing. She’s having fun! After years of Trumpic nastiness and gloom, peddling fear and hate, lying, tearing down our country despite its thriving economy, record employment, burgeoning small businesses, she’s making America fun again.

Has anyone ever seen Trump do it? A full-throated, joyous laugh? Derisive sneers and mockery don’t count. How embittered must one be never to laugh? How hollowed-out, how devoid of feeling for fellow human beings; how unsuited to hold the reins of a government for the people. He doesn’t like her dancing, either. 

Observing Trump flailing for a foothold proofs the pudding. “I’m running against a low-IQ individual,” he told agreeable rally attendees. We don’t need Alan Turing to crack that code. He’s used it before, on at least one other Black woman. 

People who love his inhumanity won’t change, any more than the coming attacks on VP Harris will change minds on her side. But MAGA Republicans don’t represent all previous Trump voters, nor the re-energized young voters and marginalized communities who’d begun to despair of voting. Social media are full of former Trumpers announcing their intent to vote for Kamala Harris, including the mayor of a very red Arizona city. Have there ever been so many appointees and family members raising the alarm about reelecting a “president”? As tides rise and turn, a win by Kamala Harris begins to feel possible.

Promises of vengeance and retribution appeal to Trump’s weird cult. For some, that may suffice to distract from the lack of a positive agenda. We know what he’s against: equal access to voting, taxes on the wealthy, environmental regulations, addressing climate change, immigration. But what is he for? Banning abortion and lying about Democrats’ position on it. Gifting Putin with a weakened NATO, handing him Ukraine. Detention camps. Replacing competent government employees with unqualified, compliant loyalists. Enacting Project 2025, of which he pretends ignorance. He and the Christo-fascists behind the Project are denying they have anything to do with each other, but we know the Project is an instruction manual for constructing the autocracy Trump craves. 

It’s looking likely that Donald Ducks debating VP Harris. If he ever faces actual journalists (of which there aren’t many remaining) as opposed to Fox “news” sycophants and other mouthpiece media, someone should ask him to specify, as he’s claimed, which parts of Project 2025 he finds objectionable. And not let him quack his way out of answering.

Gaslighting, he and MAGA Republicans say theirs is the “party of freedom.” To which Pete Buttigieg recently had this to say: “If you’re talking about military tribunals for political opponents, you have no business talking about freedom. If you’re into banning books, you have no business letting a word like liberty escape your lips.” Not to mention taking away women’s healthcare autonomy or granting full immunity to a lawbreaking “president.” In his SCOTUS reform proposals, Joe Biden made it clear he’d not avail himself of that power. But Trump? Or JD Vance, his clone?

Secretary Pete is brilliant. Regularly, with razor-sharp gentleness, leaving Fox “news” hosts babbling, he’s the most gifted spokesperson for the Biden/Harris agenda and now for Harris. He speaks seven languages, including those of nearly all our allies. He’s ex-military. He has government experience at high levels. He would, in other words, be a perfect choice for Vice President. Except for... you know. Is America ready for a twofer?

Increasingly worried about facing Kamala Harris, Trump is prepping for another coup attempt. “If they don’t cheat,” he says, “We win.” Yet, around the country it’s Republicans who are readying the cheating. In swing states, they’ve installed officials who’ll refuse to certify elections if Kamala wins. Georgia’s honorable-for-a-minute Secretary of State just launched a website for voters to deregister. It’s easy to imagine malicious hacking. 

As MAGA evangelicals see Biden-endorsed Olympic Satanism or Trump promises so much electricity you’ll beg him to stop (the link is NSFW), the newly-hatched “weird” meme is accurate and fun. Indeed, they are very weird people. Thing is, they’re also horrifying. No joke.


  1. By now everyone will have seen what happened on stage with Black journalists in Chicago, and as horrific as that 'thing' is, I'm not even surprised. He's gone through 10 days of not being the top story on any network or in any publication, as well as social media, and he had to be outrageous to get some attention. I hope the story is now over and relegated to the garbage heap where it, and he, belongs!

    Is this the new Hope and Change?

    1. He went on there to show his base he could take on those low IQ women. And they're saying he "crushed it."

      But they were already on board. To everyone else, it was satisfyingly horrible.

    2. "it, and he,"
      Benito Cheetolini identifies as (puffs/crunchy)

    3. Sarah even said "It's so unbecoming to say I told you so". Then went on to explain it in really stark terms. She broke it down and basically said the same thing I was screaming to anyone who'd listen. It's a blessing Biden tanked in front of his god and everyone. It's the lever I prayed his god would use. Hey, it

      Who says prayers are not answered? Me...But that's another debate.

      We, the restless have led us to the outskirts of the promised land. Yes, the walls are mighty. But we are unstoppable. There's only one way to beat these people. Fast, w/o quarter. America is on the ballot and we get it. Now everyone does. What is that shit they say about fear itself? Not only was this the right political move? It was the righteous move. Joe is going to go down as one of the greatest to ever do it. The list of 50 years accomplished. Capped by his unbelievable POTUS run. OH! And the cherry is Momala. Joe had vision and was fearless. She will be absolutely on a tear. She WILL have a mandate.

    4. It's bigger than Obama is you can imagine. I see it here front and center. I see the same thing nationwide. Finally the flood gates are opening for every generation after the Boomers/"Greatest" domination of 50 years.

  2. This shapes the election today. It's a perfect history lesson. Whites screw their own selves via stupid evil reasons. It is what it is. Most of the Confederacy has no idea about any of this information. They hear "reverse racism" not "look in the mirror"


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