I suppose it was predictable. Given the slavish promotion of everything Bush, and the vitriolic and fact-free attacks on Barack Obama during the election, it's entirely unsurprising that the right-wing attack machine would be in permanent scream mode after he was elected. But I admit to being taken aback by the level it's reached of late, and the sense of danger it's creating. Even some of the wrongest of the right are worried.
See, the thing these horrible hacks don't seem to understand, while they weep at how they love their country, is that their country is a democracy. With a constitution. People vote. Things change. When they thought they were in charge, and that their opposition was not only meaningless but undeserving of respect, they were just fine with the idea of democracy. Just fine with the voice of the people as long as the voice was theirs, and theirs alone.
What exactly does Glenn Beck love about this country? Its trees? Obviously, not its laws. Or more than half its people.
If you disagree with what's going on in your democracy, what you do is organize (every hear of "community organizers?"), you get better candidates, you get better ideas, you get out the vote. And then you let the chips fall where they may. Like what happened in November. That's what's to love about America. But not for those guys. Bullies don't work that way. Bullies don't work with ideas, they work with intimidation, because they really don't have ideas. They don't love anything but their sense of entitlement. And their deep-seated insecurities.
Sore losers are not unprecedented, but I think maybe their influence, nowadays, is. These guys could never imagine losing; they can't handle being in the minority, and they're beyond embittered. They're enraged to the point of disbelief, of lying, of seeing evil wherever they look, rationalizing violence against those that beat them in the battle of ideas. It's unfathomable to them. It's deeply personal; their fragile egos are fractured. And they have an audience. Once empowered, now distraught, their devoted listeners are the same. It's religion. The pagans are at the gate; truth and righteousness are threatened. They reject my world view, my emotional support system, therefore they must be destroyed, for the sake of my self-deception. Literally.
I'm not exaggerating. In the deeply disturbed, this sort of rage is deeply rooted. Reactionary beliefs carefully constructed to keep away self-doubt, like religion, must be defended to the death, because without them, their fears become real; their sense of inferiority and persecution are revealed. Really: you can't watch Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck without seeing seriously damaged people (or, at best, complete charlatans). But there's a wide audience for guys like them, and for Hannity and Limbaugh and Malkin and Coulter and Ingraham and Savage and Bachmann. They're embittered, feeling put-down, disenfranchised, and to such people a complex world, not amenable to easy answers, is very menacing. Their wall of no discomfort has been removed, with nothing to replace it but anger and hatred and a powerful sense of aggrievement. If the world has rejected them, well, at least Glenn hasn't. He weeps for them. Rush speaks for them. And they're ready to rise up at his call. Like wounded animals, they're dangerous.
So we see sh*t like this. And this. This. Combined with this. And this. And they lie, like this. Now Billo is claiming Obama wants a one-world government. I'd be laughing, except with the crazies out there, whipped into paranoid panic, egged on by these nutjobs, what you get is this. Or THIS. And the cop-killer in Pittsburgh evidently believed the constant right-wing crazy myth that Obama was coming for his guns. Crazy, hearing voices? Yeah. On the radio and on Fox. There simply is no equivalent on the left, not lunacy and paranoia to this degree.
A commenter recently told me I give these guys too much ink (pixels, I guess), too much credence. I don't think so: they need more scrutiny and thought. I think they are irresponsible and extremely dangerous. Democracy necessarily includes folks like these; but in this environment, I'm not sure it can survive them. Not, most certainly, if they have anything to say about it.
[Update: I think many are seeing the same thing, and trying to explain it. The right wing crazies are having a really hard time dealing with reality, and it's coming out in all sorts of ways.]
Sid, take off those Commie Pinko Glasses... Y'all are Still Hatin on "W", hell, Y'all'd be hatin' on Reagan if he wasn't 6 feet under...
ReplyDeleteand no Sane Conservative wants anything to happen to O-bama... Its like when Nixon picked Spiro Agnew, even the Una-bomber didn't want to deal with that eventuality...I'm just wonderin what Y'all are waitin for... Git-Mo's still Confinin, SSM he's Declinin, and 20,000 Marines are headin for A-Stan, heck, if I didn't know any better I'd think Dick Cheney was Pres...
I was thinking about this the other day. If every country in the world held an election and decided to cede sovereignty to the USA, we'd then have the one world government. What would the Bill-O's and Dittoheads think about that? Would it be awful, because it's the one world government they've been clamoring against for 50 years, or would it be just dandy, because the USA is in charge?
ReplyDeleteThings go from bad to worse: Drackman, who usually has trouble finishing his sentences, is now having trouble finishing his words.