Who could have predicted this? Iowa Republican legislators are moving to amend their state constitution to outlaw same sex marriage. That's them, above. Loving-looking group of people. Rights-rescinding sort of folks: eaters of corn, family
What's the word I'm looking for....? Oh yeah: evil. If what they're trying to do isn't evil, what is? They want to strip fellow human beings, loving people, of rights enjoyed by everyone else. Attack them, punish them, deprive them. People who are law-abiding citizens of their country, teachers, students, doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, clerks, harming no one, whose only offense is having been born with a sexual preference different from theirs (although if you put a handful of gay-bashing Republicans in a room, chances are there's some whose preferences aren't as white-bread as they profess. Could it be the one on the right?) People who want only to live in a loving home like heterosexual families, and to be left alone.
I simply can't fathom it: devoting all that effort to punishing people who've committed no crime, pose no danger, ask for nothing more than what everyone else has. What does it take to rationalize such a thing? Religion, of course. But to support that kind of discrimination, designed specifically to exclude a group of people from human rights, based on a false concept: it's so foreign to me that I can't imagine it. I can't put myself in their shoes any more than I can breathe under water. These people are hate-filled, frightened, self-important, indifferent, vengeful, uncharitable, sociopathic, ill-informed, oppressive, sanctimonious, tyrannical, malicious, smug, fact-denying, intolerant, thoughtless, hurtful, petty, parochial, narrow-minded, mendacious, vindictive, brainwashed bullies. More simply: evil.
At best it's but another example of how differently people think; how facts are processed or rejected in differing brains. There's nothing -- NOTHING -- about same-sex marriage to which that group of self-satisfied legislators can point that threatens them. Yet there they are, plotting, planning, and, likely, thinking they're doing God's work. In some things there is more than one respectable point of view, legitimate bones of contention. Opposing arguments can be rationally made when the facts are not clear, or conflicting. Billroth I vs Billroth II after antrectomy, for example; pancreatectomy vs Peustow for chronic obstructive pancreatitis. But sometimes, there is no argument. Sometimes people on one side are simply wrong, period.
Those guys at the top of this post? Wrong. They have no argument, no facts. They're just wrong. It's the kindest thing I can say about them, and they don't deserve it.
Jeez Sid, take a Prozac or something...you do know his Holiness Barak Hussein Obama I is opposed to SSM??? Or maybe it was a Telepromter fubar and he's opposed to S&M, and its just an honest mistake??? Guess 54% of the California Voting Population is Evil too...and all the other States that voted SSM down...
ReplyDeleteWhich would be, Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Kansas,Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, both Dakotas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Puerto Rico too....
ReplyDeleteOK, you might be right about Louisiana...
Good list, Frank. Looks like we agree. The world is full of evil, and most of it seems to be coming from the most "godly."
ReplyDeleteAnd -- hope you're sitting down when you read this -- you missed a teensie weensie point: it's one thing, like BHO for example, to be against SSM. Don't like it? Fine, don't do it. It's quite another actively to work to deprive people of it. Subtle point, I guess, which is why you missed it. Check for leaks.
what a perfect example of why religion sucks and a lovely testament to why christianity is dying. up here we've had gay marriage for years. as you can see by our plagues, earthquakes,famines, riots, and the fact that in canada the moon has turned to blood, gay marriage is a serious threat to any god-fearing nation.
ReplyDeletethe religionist arguments against gay marriage are so moronic and empty of logic, it is hard for me to accept that they really believe what they are saying.
my heart goes out to those gay people that are told by their government that they have fewer rights because of an ancient book written by ignorant men with god-delusions.
by all means, keep the right-wingers and send the gays to canada! it just means even more gay culture in my world-class, cosmopolitan, compassionate city. and up here you can never have too many good restaurants, chic clothing stores, artists, intellectuals and all-round decent people.