I guess they prefer this approach:

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." Orwell
"“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
"The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant" Robespierre
Tummy gets in the way.
ReplyDeleteI kept my sanity during the recent mini-Dark Age by participating in a reactionary blog forum. These were among my favorite images to post there.
ReplyDeleteEventually the proprietor banned me, despite my posts being scrupulously polite and topical. On a whim I adopted an ultra-reactionary halfwit persona wherein I got away with saying all manner of outlandish things. It delighted me. Once I pushed it too far and someone scolded me. I told him he'd "forgotten the lessons of 9/11," and I genuinely savored it. I felt like a Quaker boy who had snuck off and shot a deer and was surprised by how much he liked it. Lucky I wasn't born in Germany in the early 20th century.
Try to imagine Obama in Bush's place in one of those photos. It's okay so long as your a Republican, as they say, or "Republican't" as my mother is fond of putting it.
--Sam Spade
Know you're still strugglin with setting the time on your Betamax, but you should know all your Bush pics are photoshopped, y'know like how they put Lee Harvey Oswald's head on that backyard photo in "JFK"... except now they do it on a Com-put-er...
The second two are real, Frank. Your boy honest-to-god holds hands with his special friend, the king of Saudi Arabia. What's more, he was also a cheerleader, a playboy drunk through middle age, ran two businesses into the ground, a mediocre student, shirked his Guard duty, and was an Andover/Yale golfer from Connecticut who you fancy to be a cowboy. He's the only president with an arrest record. He injured himself with a pretzel. He fell off a Segway. He borrowed nearly as much money as all the previous presidents put together.
ReplyDeleteIf there was any news at all that was positive for Obama maybe you would be highlighting it.
ReplyDeleteSince I know you don't read, Anon, and get all your news and deep thought from Stewart and Colbert, I'll help you out a little.
"Your boy honest-to-god holds hands with his special friend, the king of Saudi Arabia."
And continues to be taken to task in conservative writing for it. But I'd rather have the feigned intimacy of holding hands than the obsequiousness of Obama actually bowing to kiss the ass of the Saudi king.
"he was also a cheerleader"
Strong words indeed!
"a playboy drunk through middle age"
Which he admits. And he outgrew it. We're still waiting on Clinton.
"ran two businesses into the ground"
He actually ran businesses? I didn't know presidents had any experience whatsoever! Did Obama run anything at all? Of course, now as president, he runs GM.
BTW--Bush sold the Texas Rangers for a profit. That's not failing.
"a mediocre student"
Better grades than Gore and Kerry. Better than Obama, too. If you don't believe that, ask to see Obama's grades.
"shirked his Guard duty"
Oh--you listen to Dan Rather, too? Hah!
"and was an Andover/Yale golfer from Connecticut who you fancy to be a cowboy."
And Obama is a corrupt thug from Chicago who dosen't know his ass from a hole in the ground without his teleprompter.
Let me know when there's a Treasury department in place. And when BO finds out there's a protocol department in the WH to help him know how to look a little brighter when he meets foreign leaders.
Obama's a corrupt thug, Beer Bottle? I might listen to what you had to say except the smell of bull emanating from your post makes it far too irritating a task to even try to approach, so that I can deconstruct it.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen Bush give a "massage" to German Chancellor, Merkel?
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDeleteSS: a playboy drunk through middle age
BB: Which he admits. And he outgrew it. We're still waiting on Clinton.
Not so, old bean. Bush steadfastly refused to discuss his drug use. Clinton is a self-made man, the furthest thing from Bush. Best of all, Bush credits being born again for his change in lifestyle -- but he doesn't go to church! He's just a little bit better than other Christians .
BB: He actually ran businesses? I didn't know presidents had any experience whatsoever!
Yes, his father's friends bankrolled him and bailed him out when he failed. He also apparently conducted an insider trade, filing the SEC form late and undated. He claimed that the SEC "vetted" this, but in reality, under his father's presidency, the SEC declined to investigate. W's just a little bit better than you and me.
BB: BTW--Bush sold the Texas Rangers for a profit. That's not failing.
You're hitting all the high notes, old bean. I like it! Bush bought his share of the Rangers with his name, connections, and $200,000. As governor he condemned a sweet property for the new stadium, laying down a rugged cornholing on some homeowners in the process. So yes, he made a profit all right, again by being just a little bit better than you and me.
He was a mediocre student, all right. He has the best education available to mankind yet can't be bothered to pronounce 'nuclear' properly. He is openly hostile to academia.
SS: shirked his Guard duty
What is beyond doubt is that the taxpayers spend one million to train bush as a fighter pilot in a 'champagne unit' along with the sons of senators, Dallas Cowboys, and others. It seems extraordinarily likely this his father got him in. He excelled for awhile, and then skipped a physical, which is extremely grave for a pilot. He transferred to mail room detail in Alabama, where no one saw him. He left that early, with permission, to attend Harvard Business School. You think this is noble service, I don't. We'll just have to agree to disagree, old bean.
Incidentally you forgot the refute how Bush is the only president with an arrest record and how he nearly doubled the national debt. Actually you didn't, you just can't old bean. Impotency is a wonderful thing to watch in assholes.
Frankie -- I know what you use your left hand for, but what about the Saudis?
Sam Spade
PS: the second anonymous was me. I forgot my sig again! Curse these neurofibralary tangles!
I always squirmed and was offended by those (real) pictures of what in my teen's view was kissing butt. Traditions and ethnic views aside, some things are beyond understanding...such as criticism of Michelle Obama's "touching" of Queen Elizabeth. I did not vote for President Obama, but have been singularly impressed by his approach to global and possibly, domestic financial issues. We live in great danger and I am sure he knows it now...the presidents seem to change after elected, when "briefed" by the CIA and FBI and Nat'l Security. I refuse to wish him ill as does Rush. I am an American to the core, from my raising to service in US Army VN...to my dedication to honor and integrity in my workplace. I say...give this man a chance and let history judge him...not day by day, but where we are in half a decade. It's not pretty out there...ask Pittsburgh PA or Santa Clara CA or the multiplude of "forgotten" failures of American "society". Yes, we well may have to arm ourselves, and Yes, we may have to fight for our rights, but I say give the man a chance. You will know when it is over and he has failed....or, more hopefully, when things become much better.
ReplyDeleteBeen there, done that...age 74...Major John Baldwin, MD
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI do not like that Obama *apologized* to the EU for America and said we are changing like we have been this bad country.
ReplyDeleteI am all for good will and negotiations, but he did not need to apologize.
He looks too weak to me and I am afraid it might cost us dearly.
I hope I am wrong.
But the terrorists..I know..not PC now...are intelligent, cunning and patient. They have an agenda...they are waiting for the opening. Good will will not cause them to have a change of heart.
And the government running private business... I also think is wrong.
And WHY isn't Barney Frank called to task for the Fannie/Freddie debacle?
I do not pretend to know anything about finances and so I can not verify if true... but it was interesting.
I was listening to the host of a financial program who is also on CNN.
he was saying that copper is the trend indicator of the market and the fact that it has gone up .60 cents is a positive indication. Home sales are beginning to go up. Even though the jobless rate stats are high... they lag behind in an upturn, but will eventually turn around too.
So the consensus between him and caller was that these positive signs have nothing to do with the stimulus packages and now we have all this debt.
If that is true... that it's improving on it's own...oh my gosh!
Encouraging and discouraging.
I think that they have been like kids let loose in a candy store and now I am afraid Obama is going to give away the whole store.
ReplyDelete"old bean"? Still trying to find an identity for yourself? Nothing good to report on the Obama front, is there? Nice rehash of the Bush speak that someone's read to you from Kos.
"Yes, his father's friends bankrolled him"
And...so? He ran it, hired, fired, wrote the checks. That's what we call experience. He also hired a Treasury department. Still waiting on Obama's.
"Not so, old bean. Bush steadfastly refused to discuss his drug use."
Well, you didn't ask about it, either, did you? Bush did refuse to go into it, but pointedly didn't deny it. It was clearly an admission from someone with the maturity not to glorify something like that he was ashamed of. If drugs are a problem for you then you shouldn't read about Obama's drug use.
"He has the best education available to mankind yet can't be bothered to pronounce 'nuclear' properly."
That's what we call an "accent". Half my family says nucular, and calls the state "Warshington". But they fiind out how to pronounce the names of companies they speak to, especially when it's a common word like "Orion". Obama should check with somebody before he opens his mouth. Oh--and there are 50 states, not 57.
National guard, yada yada. Even if everything (or anything) you say is true, you have to retreat quite a bit from "shirked his duty". In fact, he left early to work on a political campaign. But he left at a time that the service was off-loading pilots since they weren't needed in high numbers as the Dems were giving up Viet Nam. Try some fact-checking.
"Incidentally you forgot the refute how Bush is the only president with an arrest record"
Not refutable. A DUI when he was drinking. Clinton pled guilty to perjury and surrendered his law license. Now Obama's best friend Blago is indicted, Obama bought his house only with help from Rezko, his wife's $300,000 job came to her after he became senator, yet she wasn't replaced when she left. Dirty guy.
"and how he nearly doubled the national debt." In eight years. and Obama has tripled that....again TRIPLED that in two months. Now there's a good argument. Old bean.
Sorry you have nothing good to dwell on with your new buddy in office. Nothing at all.
But be his friend and maybe he'll send you some DVDs too--like he did our (until then) strongest ally. Hope they'll play in your machine. Old bean.
Go play on a blog you can understand. First--do some research. Old bean.
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDeleteSS: his father's friends bankrolled him
BB: And...so? He ran it, hired, fired, wrote the checks. That's what we call experience.
No, that's what you call experience. As the saying goes, there's twenty years of experience, and 20 years of one years experience repeated 19 times. That he was bought two companies is did not imply that he would be competent leader, and that he ruined both was a demerit.
Regarding Bush's rebirth: How come he doesn't go to church? Is he a little bit better than other Christians?
BB: National guard, yada yada. Even if everything (or anything) you say is true, you have to retreat quite a bit from "shirked his duty". In fact, he left early to work on a political campaign. But he left at a time that the service was off-loading pilots since they weren't needed in high numbers as the Dems were giving up Viet Nam. Try some fact-checking
Fancy you telling me to do some fact checking! He did leave early for HBS. Earlier on he spent time working on a political campaign, but then he returned to the TANG. You don't know much about it. It is common knowledge that he quit flying because he missed the physical. He wasted a million dollars of taxpayer money, dollars to donuts never showed up in Alabama... yes, that's shirking.
BB: In eight years. and Obama has tripled that....again TRIPLED that in two months. Now there's a good argument.
Utter bollocks. I don't think you understand what the national debt is.
Sam Spade
Sam- whether a Christian goes to church or not... does not prove their faith..what is in their heart.
ReplyDeleteThe Pharisees were religious in Jesus time and he called them out on it. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Matt:23:27
Not at all trying to be preachy, but to make a point.
A lot of good faith believing people go to church and I am sure plenty of people go through the motions with no real faith inside. Conversely... a lot of good faith believing Christians don't go to church and same with non believers.
I rarely go to church. I understand now that it is my loss because I am missing out on more spiritual growth and perhaps they are missing what I might offer. We all have something to offer and people to be a blessing to and be blessed by. We are the family of man...God's children and he has called us to fellowship together.
But I don't believe going or not going is a redemptive issue.. but rather our *relationship* with Christ. No man can judge that...only God can see a person's heart.
You said "Best of all, Bush credits being born again for his change in lifestyle -- but he doesn't go to church! He's just a little bit better than other Christians ."
No not at all and I'd guess he doesn't believe that either.
I stopped going because I worked 3-11s every other weekend at the hospital..sometimes getting out later. Then on weekends I didn't work...I just wanted for myself.
But I haven't worked in almost 3 years and still rarely go. It doesn't make me any less of a Christian and I don't go because I am lazy about it..even though in my heart..I think I should go.
I know plenty of Christians that work busier schedules then me and they rarely miss church.
But it doesn't mean I am better than them or have less faith.
I wouldn't waste my words on that church argument again. That doesn't mean a thing.
Regarding his DWI or Obama's drug use... who among us hasn't made mistakes? I know I sure have and still do.
What counts is that we rise above them..learn and move forward stronger and wiser and I would say BOTH men did that.
Instead of picking people apart...give credit where credit is due.
I am still not an Obama fan because I don't like his policies... not because of some indiscretions/mistakes from the past.
And whether you like Bush or not... agree with policies or not...he DID have MORE experience than Obama going into office.
But that was then.
NOW...it IS President Obama. It is all in his hands.
And I will be really curious to see if as the economist stated... the economy is turning around...and it has nothing to do with the stimulus..because none of that has taken effect.
*If* that is true... can we get the money back from the stimulus that no one had time to read? Can we get the money back from the other packages?
Can we reverse any of this so we will stop being lectured by China, France and Germany? the irony of them thinking we were going in too much of a socialist direction.
Is it too late to listen to what Daniel Hannon is warning us about on the various news programs?
England is so broke now...that they can't get people to approve a stimulus package.
China is pushing for a one world currency.
Different topic and post... but I adamantly believe we should never give up our National Sovereignty.
In Listening to Obama talk in Europe...he impresses me as someone who will do just that.
I am still very concerned about his *apologizing* for America.
If it wasn't for America.. all of Europe might be blond haired, blue eyed,German speaking people.
I in no way mean to negate the bravery of the European WWII soldiers. But America made a difference...and then we helped them rebuild.
if this country wasn't the amazing country that it has been...a beacon of light for freedom and opportunity... we wouldn't have so many people flocking to her shores.
Sea Spray, many of the things our country did during the eight years of Bush's presidency were wrong.
ReplyDeleteI am glad President Obama has apologized on my behalf for those things. It was an important first step in regaining some respect from the rest of the world, which has looked on in horror as we behaved like a bunch of criminal thugs.
China is pushing for a new international currency. If the dollar loses its preeminent place in the world's economy, that is yet one more thing history will lay at the feet of the Republicans.
Seaspray: there are so many things wrong with your comment here and in the other thread that I don't know where to start, and don't want to take the time to go through it all. So let me just say the obvious:
ReplyDeleteThe reason commodity prices and stock prices are beginning to rise is in ANTICIPATION that the stimulus will work, that it will kick in and get people working again, building, using copper and whatever else. See? People you listen to -- who are also the ones who say Obama will give away our sovereignty (I mean, really, lady: think about it. Only in the most crazed and paranoid mind could such a thing even be conceivable!!) -- will say whatever it takes to avoid giving Obama credit: when the markets were going down earlier this year it was Obama's fault. Now that they're turning around (maybe) it has nothing to do with him. They're blind, but you don't have to be.
And the Chinese aren't talking about one world currency. They want to choose something other than the dollar to be the basic unit of international trade. Big difference. Look it up, instead of listening to the Fox screamers, who wouldn't recognize a fact if it sat on their faces.
Nor did he "apologize for America." Listen to the whole thing, and take the Fox corks out of your ears. In fact, he very specifically mentioned the things you cite about WW2, and decried the sort of anti-Americanism that's been rising in Europe since Bush was in office. To admit we've made some errors, especially in the context he provided (absent from the idiotic commentary by your favorites, like Beck who loves everything about our country except everything about it) is not simply to "apologize for America." You couldn't more off base.
It's been my impression that you're smart enough to see beyond that kind of partisan hackery. Think about it.
Maybe this will help you in with concern about Christians going to church:
If BO had any experience, you might be sharing that. Even if he had hired, I don't know...maybe a Treasury Dept to help with "the greatest financial crisis in history" you might bring that up.
Pity--nothing you can share. Stop writing about the past. Your favorite guy--the smartest guy ever!- is in the White House and you can already see he's screwing up big time.
Don't forget the Reset button--nice job from the State Dept he tried to hire.
He tried to hire a Commerce Sec--the guy he thought was best for the job says BO's budget will bankrupt the country. Nice job there, too!
BTW--has BO stopped smoking yet? There's you some judgment!
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDelete"Maybe this will help you in with concern about Christians going to church..."
I don't care if Obama goes to church, ace. What bothers me is the hypocrisy of man who wipes the slate of a half a lifetime of debauchery by appealing to religion, yet not taking the time to attend church. Worst of all, the dreaded "MSM" wouldn't call him on it.
In "writing about the past", I am actually staying on topic, which is Bush and the King of Saudi Arabia. I understand your desire to change the topic of course.
Sam Spade
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with the dumb nicknames? Are you 15 yo?
Obama says he's a Christian and that his religion is important to him? Do you believe him? Why don't you care if he goes to church?
"I am actually staying on topic, which is Bush and the King of Saudi Arabia" and doing so by writing about church, the National Guard, etc. Yeah--no logical problem there.
Are you proud of your president bowing to the king? Yes? No? Explain.
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDelete"Obama says he's a Christian and that his religion is important to him? Do you believe him? Why don't you care if he goes to church?"
I'm glad you asked, old chum. Evidently I didn't make this clear. I'm not bothered for religious reasons, but by hypocrisy. Bush effectively said, "Pay no attention to the first half of my life. I was reborn and am a different person now." My problem with this is that he doesn't belong to a church. I feel that one should if one makes hay from being born again, whereas you are more flexible.
Once again, thanks for your offer to discuss Mr. Obama. I too would want to discuss anything other than W were I a Republican.
Where are these fascinating national debt figures about which you hinted? You should present them for our edification. If you don't I'll be forced to conclude, reluctantly, that you are a tool.
-- Sam Spade
Sam you said: "Bush effectively said, "Pay no attention to the first half of my life. I was reborn and am a different person now." My problem with this is that he doesn't belong to a church. I feel that one should if one makes hay from being born again, whereas you are more flexible."
ReplyDeleteThat is how it happens. You are judging him without knowing his heart. people do have conversion experiences and for some it's later in life.
It seems that because you don't like him..you are unwilling to accept that this happened for him.
Going to church is NOT proof that you are a Christian, whether the born again term is used or not.
And I do believe his faith was genuine based on many things he said and the way in which he said them. Could they have been rehearsed responses? Possibly. But I do not believe so. And that article did mention he went to church or was in the chapel at Camp David.
You don't know him personally and you have no idea whether the man prayed or what he did regarding his personal faith.
People get all legalistic about what THEY think other Christians should do if they are REALLY sincere about their faith. Life is a journey and a learning process and we all grow at different rates depending upon circumstances.
I for one KNOW that I am a work in progress and am thankful for God's mercy. And I am not going to judge you in your faith because I have my own to work on.
The heart of the Christian message is about Repenting and being forgiven, salvation and starting over with a clean slate... a rebirth in spirit.
And you don't know what he was like when he had his conversion experience. Often times newbie Christians are over zealous and drive people away with their excitement and well meaning..want to share their faith with you because the lights came on in their spirit and they get it and it feels good. But then they (hopefully)mature and grow in their faith. But they sure as heck don't have to go to Church to prove their faith is real.
I think both Obama and Bush have a right to worship where they choose.
And Obama absolutely should go to the church that he feels called in his spirit to go to and bring his family to. Not for political gain. It should be a call of the spirit and no man of any race should judge him for not doing what THEY think he should do with his faith.
I will add though that Reverend Right was not a good choice. he may have had some good theological messages but he seriously polluted his faith messages with that inflammatory, hateful, anti-American teachings.
Dr S -now you know how I feel when you discuss some theological things. I also don't know where to begin responding. :)
ReplyDeleteThe financial person was a guy on CNN and I apologize for not knowing his name. he was on Fox radio... but a CNN financial reporter.
I will have to go find the entire speech. I still don't see where ANY apology was necessary.
My ideas about national sovereignty started way before these presidents and more in the 90s. Has nothing to do with Fox.
When I heard the apology, changes are coming, knowing how liberal he is and knowing that traditionally.. in my opinion...liberals are not strong with national defense (had these views since a teenager -FOX didn't exist then..only liberal press),Knowing that he is moving toward a more socialized medicine..free care (but will it be compromised cause nothing is FREE?)and seemingly socialized banking, etc... it seems that way to me. But there's more to it than Obama and again does not involve FOX.
Actually Dr S...I heard about the one world currency from CNN and there was another country pushing for it to but I don't recall which one. I was cooking dinner and so missed some of it.
Leigh - I respectfully disagree. It is *NOT just about the republicans* here. The dems have their part in it too... beginning with FREDDIE/FANNIE in the 90s, Barney Frank either lied or is Stupid and did not belong in that position and had the audacity to lambaste the republicans who dared to question or raise concern about FANNIE/FREDDIE.
Both dems and republicans are behind pork barrel spending. They all care more about what's in it for them then serving the people and doing what is actually good for this country.
Dr S you said: "It's been my impression that you're smart enough to see beyond that kind of partisan hackery. Think about it."
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, but you also have to stop thinking my only news source is FOX.
Well..you don't have to... but you assume that... all the time.
But..YES.. I do watch them. My husband and I flip between CNN and Fox. He will watch MSNBC and I did for years but have moved away from them... well occasionally I'll watch...although n-e-v-e-r Oberlman.
And... I am telling you I have observed this. O'reilly is very fair to Obama and even defended him regarding his recent European trip. He defended him and said he was smart to talk with the Europeans with some of what he said. I don't recall what the negative was. And he also defended him financially regarding the stimulus because he said he doesn;t have all the information Obama and Bush had and that maybe they knew things we didn't and maybe he would've done the same thing.
Sounds pretty fair and balanced to me. he does annoy me sometimes with his interruptions.. but so does Chris Matthews.
He did take Barney Frank to taks big time and the man deserved it.
Dr S... I know you have said you like Barney Frank... but why? How does he continue to have credibility in your mind after his huge part in the fannie/freddie debacle and in 2005 defended it and lambasted the republicans and now comes out like he is the good guy and they are all bad. That is so disingenuous.
I am not saying other politicians haven't... but I happened to have listened to him and then seen the youtubes and he is a liar and I don't believe he knows what he is doing and should not be in his position.
Oh.. Greta is very fair. And I appreciate how she calls other news media on unfair reporting and backs with facts. Why is that offensive.
I just want honest reporting.. not biased.
And beck... I have seen him take republicans to task and he says both sides of the aisle don't like him. That seems fair..that he goes after either party.
I realize you just don't like his views, but I'm just saying... he goes after whatever seems wrong to him. I think his ratings are skyrocketing. I heard that somewhere.
"I'm not bothered for religious reasons, but by hypocrisy."
ReplyDeleteRecap: Bush is a Christian, doesn't go to church: hypocrisy.
Obama is a Christian, doesn't go to church: not a bother.
Logic. Not your strong suit.
The topic you avoid is US presidents greeting the king. Your guy bows and is obsequious. And you can't respond to that.
Do they use these nicknames in your fraternity?
SS: you say democrats aren't strong on defense. That is a word for word regurgitation of a favorite republican talking point. What does it mean? What are the examples? What has Obama been saying to confirm that in your mind? How has the Bush brand of "strong" made the world safer, or caught bin Laden or prevented the Taliban from resurgence?
ReplyDeleteWhat does "giving up our sovereignty" mean, exactly? What has Obama said or done to suggest it? Why to you think that other than having heard one of your sources say it? Probably wasn't Greta. She was too busy pimping Sarah while her husband worked for her.
I explained the "world currency" thing, and still you fail to understand. There's a huge difference between selecting a different basis for world trade (not likely to happen, by the way) and adopting "world currency." But I already said that.
The fact that Billo or Glenn occasionally says something about Rs doesn't mean they're not insane: Billo claims Obama wants a "one world government." Bleck says he wants to round up Rs and put them in concentration camps. That's credible? Those guys are worth listening to because once in a while they sprinkle some sugar on the sh*t?
And no, this is nothing like talking about religion. This is about facts.
But is IS like religion in this sense: nothing will change your mind.
I guess it's what makes the world an interesting place. As long as it lasts.
SeaSpray - I wrote a long response after your first remark but it sounded mean given your gentle tone so I deleted it.
ReplyDeleteYour faith gives you a subtle understanding of Christianity that I don't understand. According to what the New Testament actually says, Bush is doubtless a whitewashed tomb (that's my favorite passage from the New Testament, incidentally). He has not sold all his possessions to feed the poor, he does not love his enemies, does not eschew monetary interest, and must, as a camel, pass through the eye of a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven. (Sometimes when I deliver this sermon, someone will reply, "Do you blame us for not being perfect?" The answer is no, but there's all the difference in being imperfect and not earnestly trying to do what the book says. Bush could sell all of his possessions in a week, as could you.)
My obnoxious rant aside, really your dispute with me is, is Bush a hypocrite solely for not attending church? No doubt you think I have strayed from the question. I don't know the position of the Methodist church on attendance. Maybe not. However his non-attendance is so much part and parcel with what I perceive as his sense of entitlement that it seems hypocritical to me. I believe that it doesn't to you, but, again, your conception of Christianity is too subtle for me. All I know is what the book says.
Sam Spade
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDeleteBush wiped away 40 years of being a loser with his religion. He didn't leave one church for differences with the pastor, he never went in the first place.
Where are those national debt figures, Big T?
--Sam Spade
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of links you could have one of your frat buddies read to you, if this is really important to you:
I guess I understand your reluctance to discuss the subject. Bowing to a king is not protocol, not that Obama understands protocol.
Here's the NYT when Clinton came close to bowing:
I'm sure W is grateful for your concern about his spiritual welfare, but you really don't understand church at all, do you? I know this will surprise you, but the Bible doesn't address church attendance. And I doubt whether you know if Bush has found a church in Houston or not. Sources?
Obama "didn't leave one church for differences with the pastor"--he left when people realized he agreed with that pastor.
Your assertion that "he never went in the first place" is just plain false.
Back to your bong, buddy.
Feel free to carry on, boys; I'm loving it. But I must say the argument over whether Bush or Obama is more the religious hypocrite is pretty silly. The less I'd hear about any politician's religion the more I like it. But trying to score points over the fact that Obama hasn't selected a church yet is even more stale than the usual over-hopped bottled beer. Like the bowing thing, and the "obsequious" characterization, made of thin air.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's my fault for not being able to attract a higher quality of trolls.
I think there's plenty of reasons for a pres not to attend church--security, hassles, unfortunate confrontations. Obama doesn't have one (yet?)--what's the big deal with Bush.
ReplyDeleteBut: "Like the bowing thing, and the "obsequious" characterization, made of thin air."
Bowing is obsequious, isn't it? Should Obama bow? Should you?
If this is just respect, then why didn't the king return the bow to Obama?
I hear crickets from the frat house.
Secret word: catickle
Bowing is obsequious, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteDepends on context. And no more than kissing and holding hands. More to the point: It's the sort of laughable phony outrage that the wingers are showing, absent anything of substance.
Fire back. I have better uses of my time, and more substantive concerns.
So, you greet people by kissing or by holding their hands now, I assume. To how many do you actually bow? And would you bow to a king?
ReplyDeleteNever mind. A little research shows that bowing is actually forbidden in Islam (to any but Allah, that is).
So, we can now rest in the knowledge that not only was Obama being worshipful to another head of state, he was also making himself look foolish to all the Muslims around him.
Maybe he should hire a protocol department. After he has that pesky Treasury Department hired.
Dr Sid,
ReplyDeleteI have a question better suited to your other blog. Can I ask it here?
I have sciatica flaring up right now. When people ask what's wrong and I tell them, it seems that some 40% of everyday people have had this. I can hardly stand still sometimes.
Question--wouldn't this be a career-ending thing for a surgeon? I don't think I've heard of a surgeon retiring from something like this, but shouldn't 40% of surgeons get this?
Just wondering--wouldn't ask this on anybody.
Shoot--hit the button too soon. last question is me.
I find the 40% number pretty high. Maybe 40% have some sort of back problem in their lives, but I doubt that many specifically have sciatica. In any case, I do know of surgeons who've had to quit because of sort of similar problems. Perhaps not surprisingly it's been nerve impingement in the neck, which can affect fine hand movements. In surgery we often crane our necks in weird ways.
ReplyDeleteHaving had my back "go out" a couple of times, but hobbling to work anyway, I can say it's damn hard to operate like that, but mine was not the sort of radicular pain that's associated with sciatica. In recent years I wore a sort of brace when I operated, and I know others that have as well. Surgeons are tough. Or is it pig-headed.
The specific syndrome of sciatica (which is a term for certain symptoms, as opposed to a name of the cause, which can be many), by which I mean the severe burning pain going down one side of one's buttock or leg, would be more disabling for a surgeon, I'd think, than the more generic low back pain that I've had, and have known in other surgeons.
The 40% might just represent the population around me--age, profession, etc. And it's probably a little high. But I'm only counting people who describe those burning leg symptoms.
ReplyDeleteBTW--regardless of what you've heard, chiropractic doesn't actually seem to be real medicine.
Okay--back to being disagreeable.
You won't be surprised to learn that I consider chiropractic right up there at the top of the list of bogus medical "alternatives." I will say that manipulation for some types of back problems can be useful, and there are chiropracters who can provide it. But the whole "theory" of chiropractic is bogus woo, and to the extent that they venture beyond being glorified physical therapists for some back issues, they are WAY wrong. And dangerous.
ReplyDeleteSo do I--never saw a chiro before. But it was a medical person (RN or something) who recommended this guy. He uses "actuators" to move stuff. Doesn't seem to move anything. Do I need a license to call myself a chiro?
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, the whole hour cost just $50. With office expenses, receptionist, etc., I don't see how he stays in biz.
Beer Bottle,
ReplyDeleteSorry, old bean, you haven't earned a place at the table yet. Before we branch off into who demeaned himself more with the Sheik of Araby, I'm burning to understand this:
"Obama has tripled [the national debt]....again TRIPLED that in two months."
See, either you don't merit the right to vote, or you are hoarding some earth shattering data. Whichever could it be?
You spoke confidently about Bush in the TANG when you knew little about it, and ate a Rush Limbaugh portion of crow over Bush's odious Texas Rangers deal, and humiliated yourself trying to defend Bush's "business man" juice. All this you've ceded, and with my characteristic grace I'll not so much as mention it.
However, I think you're onto something with the national debt figures. This could be the one that puts you over the top. Go old bean, go!
Sam Spade
Old Bean,
ReplyDeleteI really don't care if you follow the links and have someone read them to you. But you don't get to continue arguing unless you do.
Don't you have to meet with your tutor today?
Beer Bottle:
ReplyDeleteI don't get to keep arguing unless I switch to your pet topic, in which I've expressed no interest or opinion? Well played old bean. Your repartee is rock hard and standing at attention.
I'm sorry to hear that the temple of your body cannot match your vast mind though. If Viagra fails, maybe the good doctor can whittle down an implant for you.
Good luck in Econ 101 next semester, chum!
Sam Spade
I know it's early on your planet. Your concern is about the budget now, right?. Follow these links (posted earlier) and learn:
Earlier you said the topic was Bush and the king. Try to keep up...with yourself. Let us know what your new topic is when you switch. Okay?
Better yet--just go back to Kos and have your friends read it to you.