Monday, February 15, 2016


Here's my most brilliant thought, ever. Obama should nominate Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court. Who wouldn't want to have that job instead of president? And it would put Rs in a bind: they'd much prefer, it seems, to have their candidate run against Bernie Sanders, but if they approved her, it'd lose them the Court.

And who knows? Maybe with Hillary out, Joe Biden would toss his hat in the ring. A little late, yes; but it'd be interesting.

Not gonna happen, of course. But it'd be fun to see.

It is, of course, entirely unsurprising that Rs have vowed to block anyone Obama puts forth, sight unseen. And that they're variously using "rules" they've never followed themselves as justification.

It's getting really hard not to hate those people; and I'm more into easy than I used to be.

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  1. "Here's my most brilliant thought, ever. Obama should nominate Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court."

    BRILLIANT! Why didn't I think of that!?!?


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