Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Dang. I’d been planning to begin this week’s column with a riff on that laughably large ear bandage Trump sported at his coronation, and, having seen his cult fashioning similar ones, to note the similarity to farmers tagging the ears of their sheep. Probably, I’d have puzzled that, next day, he wore a small Band-Aid appropriate to the injury he incurred.

Maybe he realized, despite seeing his flock lower to the occasion, how ridiculous it looked to everyone else. As a former trauma surgeon, I’d never have applied that honker to such a minimally injured ear. Nevertheless, he was very lucky and that’s a good thing. I don’t minimize the seriousness of the close call; just the crazy that came after.

So I’d also have reflected on miracles. If defined as evidence of divine intervention, and if God saved Trump from death, then it’s no less miraculous that He made Mr. Comperatore die. Same for late-discovered survivors of earthquakes that kill hundreds. You can’t see saves as godly and not the killings. So, maybe there are no miracles. Were I reckless enough, I’d have proposed that to think He would choose an amoral man like Trump to lead us is disrespectful of God. Blasphemous, even.

I’m sure I’d have mentioned the similarities between Kim Jong Il’s ceremonial appearances and Trump, when he wasn’t nodding off, smiling beneficently as sycophants like Tucker Carlson and Hulk Hogan (!) praised him, deified him, one after another. Likely, I couldn’t have avoided noting that, halfway through Trump’s endless, rally-repetitive acceptance speech, the faithful were scrolling their phones or walking out.

President Joe Biden’s magnanimous decision to withdraw from contention is the reason I’d have said none of that. MAGA Republicans won’t, but present company and future historians will agree that President Joe Biden is one of the most, if not THE most effective president since FDR.

Assuming the reins of a devastated economy while a mishandled pandemic was requiring refrigerated morgue trucks outside overwhelmed hospitals, as unemployment was soaring and businesses were closing, he turned it all around, creating millions of jobs, lowering Covid-rebound inflation – never as high in the US as in other developed countries – to a third of its maximum.

Record numbers of small businesses have been created. Decaying infrastructure is being rebuilt. And, had Trump not shepherded his sheep into blocking it, President Joe Biden’s negotiated, bipartisan deal would have made significant progress on border issues.

It’s a remarkable, proud legacy, with a terribly sad ending. Compared to Trump’s venality, President Biden’s decency, placing country above self, couldn’t be more obvious.

Concerned he might not be the one to beat Trump, who, notwithstanding MAGA credulity, historians will agree was one of the if not THE worst president ever, President Biden’s decision to withdraw speaks of patriotism and selflessness. I hope he makes a barnburner of a speech at the Democratic convention.

While we await whatever mess Democrats and pundits will make of their nominating process before selecting Kamala Harris, we know for sure their convention won’t be the festival of falsehoods foisted by Trump’s fraudulent fluffers.

After Speaker-of-Sorts Mike Johnson testified that theirs is the party of law and order, and before his party nominated a convicted criminal, adjudicated rapist, defrauder of New York State of millions of dollars, and recidivist scammer, they welcomed, to delirious cheers, a convict caravan: Manafort, Stone, Navarro, J6 insurrectionists. If he weren’t still serving time, Bannon would have been similarly received.

Came then the strategic lies: Crime rates; energy production; EVs; gas prices; rampant “migrant crime,” the fakest of fakes.  And the one Trump hopes to ride to the White House: election fraud. To which he, the oldest presidential nominee ever, has added another, nearly as pernicious: that he knows nothing of Project 2025.

He knows. Praising the world’s worst dictators, to replicate whose regimes the Project aims, he knows. If elected, he’d follow its marching orders toward a government by and for its billionaire advocates, himself as figurehead, secured by permanently diluted elections.

Continuing its election interference, Russia is praising Trump and, now, his V.P. pick. The former Republican Party would have been appalled to see their nominees praised by America’s enemies and lauded at home despite – or because of -- their disqualifications. In the graves of the respectable old guard, rotations must be continuous.

Money and endorsements are flooding in for Kamala Harris, breaking records. Trump might hide from debating her, but he and his surrogates aren’t hiding their awful, desperate misogyny and racism when attacking her, with worse to come. To which I say, bring it!

Something reminiscent of optimism is nibbling at worry for our country. Too soon to say; but Trump is still Trump, an aged, diminished, fourth-grade name-caller, repeater of lies and incomprehensible digressions. If cultists can’t see it, it’s true nevertheless: he’s become even more unfit for office than he was eight years ago. 


  1. My hand was shredded and all I had was a lot of stitches. No Band-Aids. My gunshot had stopped bleeding by the time I got to to hospital. So no Band-Aid for my bullet hole either.

    It's the POTUS. They'd inject stem cells, steroids and part of a MacDonald's cheeseburger into the void and grow a new ear overnight.

  2. So Mary! How are you feeling today? Better about our chances, I hope. They just secured a BLUE WAVE my peoples.

    1: Have a stone cold badass straight out of central casting to head the BLUE ticket.
    2: Have a deep bench of VP choices that are beyond spectacular. Ethically? They vet themselves. Professionally? Same Same.
    3: A seamless transition as a result
    4: End the division and energize the entire electorate overnight. In an instant.

    The idiots are already spewing hate as their core message. "They are cheating" is hilarious. But them trying to say "The Dems. need Joe Manchin to balance the ticket of they will lose" as if they are somehow concerned for the Dems. chances.

    The timing couldn't be better. Let the other team think it's in the bag. Pick a complete goon for VP. Then flip the script. Benito Cheetolini's the oldest POTUS candidate in history. By an entire generation. The contrast between Kamala and The Dump's is stark. Breathtakingly so. Kamala and anyone they pick as VP will vaporize Drumpf and MAGA forever.

    250 million dollars in 48 hours. 100,000 NEW volunteers in 48 hours. There'd been more. But my guess is the Kamala for POTUS servers melted down from the incoming.

    For me it's like "no duh!". And we ain't had our convention yet folks. You think this little moment in history is euphoric and hopeful? Wait till Chicago. It's going to be a party.

    From there all we have to do is vote as much as possible. Let's have more votes for Kamala than the entire population of America. Just to piss 'em A man can dream.

    But seriously? This is way bigger than Obama in 2007. The backlog of generational talent from that era is vast. They are war hardened and ready to fight. Young legs and young minds. The smartest, and funniest generations are the kids. They are incredibly media savvy. They've seen their parents struggle. They are struggling.

    The Nazi's have no idea what's about to hit them. They are scared already. It's about to get terrifying. The corruption is rampant. The Red teams money is going straight to the orange man (me/mine) and the bearded lady (her/she). Crippling the down ballot races with Nazi propaganda and no money.

    It'll be a massacre. This next election will transform America forever. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights 2.0. In order to make a more perfect union. We the people will rise up and smash Nazi ideology at the polls and everyday till election and beyond.

    That's what is going to happen to the Nazi party in America and corporations running govt.

    1. Oh Smooth, you know I'm feeling so much better about how this will go! I've been trying to temper my enthusiasm somewhat because I have learned to be careful what I wish for, but DAMN!!!!! This feels real, doesn't it? I participated in the White Women zoom call, and have been watching the dollars rack up, the number of volunteers signing up to work, the memes floating all over social media (I am still on the Meta brands--no judging!), and most delightedly watching the Republicans wet their collective pants about having to change their entire strategy.
      Having been stung in 2016, I know we haven't got it in the bag, but it feels pretty danged good right now.

    2. Have you seen the Atlanta stump speech yet? She's starting to dial it in. Starting to get nice and comfy.

      This speech keeps evolving as well. This is bananas. She's flat bullying that perpetrator. Then drops the mic at the

      See? This is fun right? Jump on the bandwagon. This baby is gonna get to where we want to go this time.
      I sooper dooper pinky promise. Blue Wave 2024. I been saying it for months and almost lost faith in Joe. We were fine, till overnight we were not fine.

      Now? The floodgates are wide open. Kamala will have a mandate. She will be the most progressive POTUS of our generation.

      That's how it's going down and that's why the Nazi's are terrified. Their cocky attitudes are hiding in a foxhole. The fact is bullies hate being bullied and Benito is being bullied.

      OH! And make zero mistakes. Kamala is low key telling the rest of the world that America is back. Russia is gonna be upset. Very upset.

      They hear us around the world and were just as terrified. A 3rd reich in 'mercah was not on their Bingo cards.

      Jump aboard the train! It's been pretty lonely on the bandwagon for months. I've never been more hopeful. We had to trade the wagon in for a train 3 minutes after she was the one.

  3. If you want really smart, candid, incised information and then you can decide based on real facts and real focus groups with the best in the business? No, it ain't Frank Luntz. Or Allen Funt. Notice how you never see them in the same room together? Also? Where the fuck was Obama on 9/11? That's something we need to investigate with some kinda "special" grand jury. Way better than a grand jury.

    Naw...This is the real...Something I use in my researching as a go-to fingering the pulses of American's.

    Sarah Longwell

    1. She's excellent. I read and watch her on The Bulwark.

    2. Yes, she's smart and dialed in. I value her perspective.

  4. The irony of the Rs wanting to stop the hate is too thick, isn't it? They built it, bought it, sold it, replicated it, and now it's just too hard to deal with.

  5. The contempt business has with labor is sick. Mentally impaired. Trickle down nearly destroyed America.

    Requiem for the American Dream is an exception documentary with killer art work and Noam Chomsky narrated.

    Nickel and dimed is also a good one.

  6. The good news according to some reports, is that union membership is soaring.

  7. I know right?

    These morons took a decade to figure out fighting for lower wages is stupid and now they want the wages WE is Seattle fought for. You can't even hire anyone for $15 an hour now.

    It's like anything else. Let others do the hard work then ride that. Too afraid of being "laid off" asking for time off or a raise.


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