Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Trump 2025

Trump, who lies, denies knowledge of Project 2025, the conservative plan to Make America Bleak. “I know nothing about Project 2025,” he avowed. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal...”

If he stops speaking only to his mouthpiece media, he should be asked to specify with which abysmal parts he disagrees. And how he can disagree but "know nothing." But “journalists” are too busy ignoring the issues and calling for President Biden to withdraw, when, given his status as a convicted criminal, liar, star of the Epstein tapes, and day-one dictator, it’s Trump who should.

He can’t be unaware; attempting to distance himself from it proves the point. Several members of his inner circle are behind the Project. He and his policies are mentioned in it numerous times. Incurious, unwilling to work hard, he’ll do whatever they tell him. Because it’s over 900 pages, dense, and irreducible to cartoons, we’ll accept that he hasn’t read it.

I have. Some is anodyne proposals for streamlining government agencies. But even those are littered with Trumpic references to “Marxism,” and “wokeism.” Enormous defense spending is called for: more ships, nukes, planes, drones, missiles. No mention of paying for it. Fire transgender troops; reinstate, with back pay, those discharged for refusing vaccinations. “Eliminate Marxist indoctrination and divisive critical race theory programs...” Religious indoctrination, though: Yankee-Doodle-dandy.

“Require completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Department of Defense —the military entrance examination—by all students in schools that receive federal funding.” It’s reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s “Young Pioneer” schoolchildren, whom I saw during language study there.

Student loans would be privatized; forgiveness would be disallowed. The Department of Education would be dispersed and eliminated. All departments would be filled with political appointees answering directly to “the next conservative president.” To deploy the agenda quickly, Senate approval for high-level appointees would be delayed by naming “acting” leaders.

Particularly the State Department, where “large swaths of [its] workforce are left-wing... The next Administration ... should both accept the resignations of all political ambassadors and quickly reassess all career ambassadors... No one in a leadership position on the morning of January 20 should hold that position at the end of the day.” Sweep away experience. Uncritical fealty to the president is the prime directive.

NPR and PBS would be defunded, because incurious MAGAs don’t tune in. “... [E]ducation is publicly funded but education decisions are made by families.” Monies should go directly to states, with tax dollars spent on private and charter schools, “Empowering families to choose among a diverse set of education options...” Goodbye fact- and history-based public education.

At all levels, “gender” will refer only to that assigned at birth. References to “sexual orientation and gender identity,” along with equity rules, should be expunged. “The next Administration,” it says, should note “how radical gender ideology is having a devastating effect on school-aged children today—especially young girls.” How, they don’t say. Documentation, they don’t provide. “Ideology.”

As to children of low-income families, “Over a 10-year period, federal spending should be phased out and states should assume decision-making control over how to provide a quality education to [them].” Also, eliminate Head Start. Good luck, poor kids in poor red states.

The next president should “stop the war on oil and natural gas,” which isn’t a war. As with the majority of their proposals, many of which are akin to “clean air is nice,” specifics are lacking. Per its main spokesperson, that’s deliberate. Hide the darkest details before the election.

Many related regulations are to be abolished. Gone, too, are energy efficiency standards. Electric grid improvements are defunded. Climate- and energy-related initiatives are called “partisan” and “political.” Enabling red state efforts to disenfranchise Democratic constituencies, the FEC’s power would be diluted. Likewise, the EPA’s. The CDC is “the most incompetent and arrogant agency in the federal government,” it says, and the FBI is a “bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization.” Also, it must stop fighting the spread of disinformation and lies. Arrogant! That there’s some ironical irony.

P2025 would gut labor protections overseen by the DOL, other than, because “God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest,” requiring time-and-a-half pay for working on that day. (Which one?) Christianity would be prioritized everywhere. Accreditation requirements for religious colleges would be removed. “Abortion is not healthcare.” No Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood. Ban abortifacient drugs.

The surface here is barely skimmed. There’s plenty more. The best summary of Project 2025 comes from its prime mover, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts, who’d previously said its purpose is to institutionalize Trumpism. "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Trump’s America: Submit or bleed. Voting against it is incalculably important, no matter the Democrats’ nominee.


  1. Social media and some of the reputable MSM sources are starting to cover P2025 more extensively, and I'm glad to see you write about it for the Herald. The right wingers are trying desperately to back pedal away from it, but it isn't working. All one needs to do is look at who is funding it (Heritage Foundation) and see the authors are largely former Trump administration folks, and it's pretty clear what it is about. I mean, the Heritage folks gave us the current SCOTUS.

    I have found that people are receptive to looking into it if I bring a portion of it that directly affects them to their attention. My teacher/ school district friends are all reading it because of the threat to Public Education. My friends and relatives in health care are reading it because it threatens the ACA. It's a way I've found to quickly bring it to folks' doorstep, so to speak.

    This is a frightening time to be alive. I'm trying to keep my mojo working so I can be of service to my country. If I believed in God I would ask her to help us, but no one can save us but US.

  2. Speaking of gods...he says kill people

    1. And then the guy runs away from the reporter asking "what did he mean by that"? He took the position so many MAGAts do of attempted gaslighting, like "how dare you ask me that?"

  3. I can't...I just can't

    But in announcing a compact that would bring together NATO countries to support Ukraine, Biden referred to the nation’s leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin” to audible gasps in the room. He quickly returned to the microphone: “President Putin - he’s going to beat President Putin ... President Zelenskyy,” Biden said.

    1. Hey, Smooth! I'm intermittently "back" to comment sections, so I am not up to speed on your positions. Are you voting for democrats regardless of who we put up? I'm sensing you've jumped off the Biden train, but I hope you are still voting for democracy!

    2. part one...

      Hi Mary!

      My position goes like this...

      Blue wave election.


      Because the alt right sucks that bad. The cats outta the bag.

      DO NOT listen to 'polls'. They are garbage. Not a single one has it right unless they got lucky that day. They still do not know how to poll in the new climate. Notice I said "new" and not different. We are embarking on a new chapter in America. I honestly think we had to go through this to understand our place in the world.

      The world can't blindly count on us. That's a first and will never turn back. Peaceful transfer of power is gone forever. We can't count on anyone but ourselves. Meaning we all need to get with it and have some civic knowledge. At least to the point where people truly understand one thing, and only one thing. That is "Your vote really frickin' matters, period!" Every single vote is critical. Being educated is critical.

      It's going to take one more generation to get a grip on it and a couple more generations for the change to be what it should have been all along. Some idiots call it "liberal utopia" and other stupid shit like "Socialism" "Communism" and whatever "ism" pops into their heads.

      Nope...A world devoid of Fascists is not "un-American". A world where peace and prosperity for all is a reality. Everyone gets a genuine chance to make it. Like the GI bill. We know how to do it. Joe is doing it. People are noticing, slowly. But understand. Folks do not pay attention like we do...However.

      They are starting to pay attention now. And what they see and hear terrifies them. They want to know what to do. "VOTE" right?

      Well let's say we all do that. Then we have a blue wave. People will understand that votes matter *I hope* and a new trend starts where turnout is very high in every election. No matter how small or 'special' it is. Volunteer in the community. It's a really great way to meet new people and build relationships. It has to start early. Each generation teaching the next.

    3. Part deux...

      The deal is this...It will be a blue day. Just how big depends on a few things. But it's a guarantee. No matter what happens, the alt right will cry "rigged". We need to quit panicking about that stuff. And simply vote. You'd never worry if turnout was as high as it rightfully should be. Electronic voting will transform 'mercah, into America. For one? They will have cell service and internet some day. We'll even make sure the electricity stays on and is cheap and clean. These ignorant tribes, never touched by mankind will realise someday. Instead of bitching about 'the libs', they will be mad the internet is out. And blame it on Obama most likely. But nobody will care at that point. It'll be back to the crazy cat lady on the corner screaming at the sky about aliens. Yes, there's an online community, of which I am a proud member. But it's the tiniest of communities and largely harmless. A little cat fur on your couch after my visit is a small price to pay for the joy I bring :O)

      Bottom line...

      It's that bad. Everyone is right about that. On both sides.

      Bad, because we have to save Democracy in America. Bad, because they know this is their last chance at a 3rd Reich. Different reasons. Same battle cry. Like the Civil war, kinda.

      These idiots all forget history. It never ends well for them. They have their moments. The Tea Party et ilk. But it's unsustainable. It requires the majority vote in their special interests. When those interests are Fascism? You lose voters. Eventually the house of cards fails. Their own people are thoroughly turned off. When the Blue wave happens they will blame others for cheating. When in fact their own vote was for a Democrat this year. They cause their own hysteria, out of fear of their own voters, neighbors, family, workmates and bosses. Their whole life is wrapped up in it. Nobody can be honest about who they vote for down there. That is the saddest take on their culture. Deep seeded, born into it, lying to get by and get along. For centuries. It's all they know.

      Democrats need to get off the hysteria train and just vote the troubles away. Every election. It's that easy.

      Don't like the way something is run? Then get your hands dirty. I'm on an affordable housing mission at the moment. I think I can make a difference. So I am spending time and tears trying. They are missing some stuff. Easy to see if you've been me your whole life. They don't understand the other side. Only their highly educated side. And that's good. But not everything and they treat themselves as "the everything" w/o need for input from the plebes. I mean residents. Identify issues. Real solutions. I swear, the ignorance's not their fault. They just don't understand till I discuss it with them. Hearing a room full of "ahhhh ha!" kinda noises is all I need to know about what they actually know about their work. As I had guessed...They are highly educated. And on the surface seemingly nice people. On the surface. I got to know them for 3 years before stepping forward. My own internal, independent investigation. That hard news background pays off. Now? There's people worried about their jobs. They tell me I am wrong. Then why be afraid for your jobs? It's not easy. I take arrows constantly. It goes with the territory. I'm having too much fun to stop now. I have to do it myself because they retaliate relentlessly. A couple weeks ago an emergency executive meeting was called. I am making progress. :O) heheheh

      People outside the realm want to talk to me now. I'm living proof that it works. Lil' 'ol me and nobody else changing an entire system. The only people in my way are those desperate to hold onto their cush board gigs. Melinda Gates lives up here on the hill now too! She bought a giant rocking giraffe from the place I pitched in at in Marblemount WA.

      Don't worry. They have angered the girls. The election was over the day Roe fell. Benito Cheetolini will give us the rest of the votes we'll need. He sucks.

    4. I'd prefer a Harris/Biden ticket

    5. This is a video I recommend a lot. It's nothing but history repeating itself. Lessons learned and where we are today. I am hopeful.

    6. Joe calls Kamala Trump. I am not kidding

    7. Are Drumpf and Joe our only choices? I refuse to believe that. I vote for whomever reps the Blue team. But I'd like my person to be able to fly and meet people like they did 5 years ago. Today it's some kind of accomplishment he makes it from point a to b at all. Him not being able to perform? That's HIS and his staffs excuses right? It sounds like an athlete staying a year too long with 3 years left on the contract.

    8. We'll have no choice in who'll be the D nominee. Our choice will be Trump or Not-Trump. No matter who the latter is, that's my vote. In a rational world, it should be for the 70% of not-MAGA Americans.

    9. I don't think I've ever voted for a presidential candidate. In this country it's usually the lesser of two weavels, or voting against the worst candidate. Someone said they'd still vote for Joe if he was on his deathbed. I'd have to agree. I don't care what Joe calls anyone... The orange undie stain does it all the time.

    10. I forgot I cleaned up my cookies and didn't sign in.

      I totally agree. I'd vote for a ground up rotten stump instead of ANY of these people on any part of the right. Including the ones straddling the fence. There's nothing but the end. No fence to sit on. Loyalty or die.

      Nobody is changing their votes. The polls are all pretty lame and no longer a viable measure of politics. It'll be the Dems. who win regardless. The stakes are too high and this time everyone gets it. Drumpf was an unknown last time. Drumpf is running the exact same playbook.

      Because of that? Joe feels he can die in office if he wins. Gave is the "goodest" effort he can if he loses is okay too. As long as he can sleep at night. And naps during the day. He can't do his job when he flies? Or campaigning? He's too tired? The excuses are lame at best. It's incredibly difficult to watch. Just like watching your own family members decline. There's people on the bench who can win and do a great job.

      Here is the Daily Show...

    11. My thing is this. You age much faster as a POTUS. It's the most demanding job in the world. At least I know the next person will live 4 years. Also? Not make the gaffs Joe is making. It's painful to watch. At some point? He's the stubborn old guy chasing kids off his lawn with a broom. Because he can and nobody will stop him. It's "my lawn/property!" Well, it's Joe's POTUS gig if he wants it. Hillary ran the same race. Ram it down our throats. Yeah, we'll vote. But who's going to actually stand in line to vote? Less people. It effects down ballot races. Focus on "fire wall states" like Hillary. It's pathetic. It's an ancient playbook. We need all 50 states. Not 5. Billions of dollars spent on what? It's stupid.

      I been tired of this for many years. Most of it was actually production quality and not Joe's fault. It's the same. But now it is also Joe's fault. That is the difference.

  4. Your comments just hit me in the heart, Smooth. Agree, agree, agree! I too, think we are going to win. I too, do not read or watch polls. I didn't used to think the MSM was not to be trusted--especially NYT and WaPo, but I have cancelled them both. Now, it's AP and Reuters, with some Guardian and Independent mixed in. I've also found a kind of conglomerate/ clearing house called Courier News that brings in sources from around the country.
    What I never really saw until now is the Corporate GREED behind ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, etc. to make this so dramatic and keep us grinding our teeth about what will happen. I didn't really, really think they would have abandoned all journalistic scruples for money, but I see it now. I've decided there is no cable news or national news worth watching, and I even have to lump in PBS with that.
    Thank goodness our friend wasn't one of the Herald folks who felt the axe fall. More coffee, then more replies later.

    1. What a coinky dink

  5. In the cartoon above, those would be Judge Cannons hands holding down lady Justice. Today is the day to officially welcome fascism to America.

    1. So sad, so infuriating, and so true.

    2. It is increasingly difficult to believe in this country.

    3. I'm going to have some faith and confidence in the guy who spent time at the Hague trying war criminals. Now that Cannon has stepped in it, he can appeal to the 11th circuit to have her removed, and by all experts I've listened to this morning, it will happen. The chief judge of that district already asked her nicely to recuse, and she wouldn't, so now it can happen. Frankly, she should be impeached and removed from the bench.
      The case was never going to get heard before the election, and never by Cannon. An interesting aside is that Justice Clancy "hey, I need a few more dollars and toys" Thomas, in his separate assenting opinion on immunity, gave Aileen her marching orders. He was the one who said the special counsel regs might be unconstitutional. He gives her the slow pitch lob, she hits it, and here we are. This was her plan for at least a few minutes too, as her opinion is over 90 pages. You don't write that in one day.

    4. I hope you're right about the ability to appeal and the likelihood of overturning her ridiculous ruling.

      Wonder if Trump would appoint her Attorney General. Of course, she'd have to give up her cushy lifetime job, in which she needn't think for herself but gratefully takes orders from C.Thomas or Trump.

    5. They are aiming for delay delay delay...Then appeal to the SCOTUS. It's the new world we live in.

  6. Everyone who's ever heard me knows I have been screaming this at the top of my lungs for almost 2 decades.

    There are solutions to all our current issues. Why is it a fight to get it right? Why is it the same ol shit for decades?
    Generational and gender gaps. Racial equality gaps. Our "leaders" are a white male geriatric club. Period. Especially on the right. It's lily white.

    It is what I say it is until anyone can prove me wrong. Yet? We don't get the true diversity that truly represents the voters. We have one generation who got power and still has not given up the power. We die in office now. Or forced out by violence or a crime. But that is now the most important part of a campaign. Violence to obtains power is a winning message. There's millions of kids coast to coast that support more violence to hold power. Right? And not only the kids, but Moms! They are the most violent subset of voters in 'mercah! right? It's the kids fault! Look at em'! Nevermind, kids don't vote until they are 18. Most kids don't vote till they are grown into their 30's and 40's. But it's the kids fault. The same 3.5 kids it takes to support one senior on Social Security. Who's still in power at their firm. Or board. Or whatever. Taking up a seat. But it's the kids fault.
    We all knew it'd come to political assassinations. Because yunno...those damn kids!


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