Wednesday, July 17, 2024

It Changes Nothing


The assassination attempt and reactions to it are deeply depressing, foretelling a grim future. The most disgusting responses from politicians and media have come from the MAGA-aligned. Rep. Mike Collins, R-GA, for example, said Biden ordered it. (Which, according to the Supreme Court, would be perfectly legal.) J.D. Vance, R-OH, who once called Trump America’s Hitler among other now-inoperative truths, VP pick unimaginable as president, election denier, pro-Russia, anti-abortion and anti-LGBT zealot, Alex Jones proponent, blamed it on left-wing rhetoric.

That’s the inverse of Republican outrage when Democrats accuse rightwing incitement prior to attacks on mosques and synagogues. Remember Trump saying “Second Amendment people” could solve the Hillary Clinton problem? “Stand back and stand by”? Mocking the attack on Paul Pelosi? And Republican ads like these. If words are to blame, which ones?

But the T-shirts are ready. And sneakers. “God protected him,” say MAGAs. By killing a fifty-year-old firefighter, evidently; father of two. President Biden called the man’s wife. Trump didn't.

On social media, both sides are awful. A few liberals can be just as conspiratorial and nasty as most MAGAs.

Before it happened, I'd been recalling a lecture in 2012, in Seattle, by Stephen Hawking, the genius cosmologist, who lived for decades with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (“Lou Gehrig’s disease”). When we saw him he was whole-body locked, contorted in a motorized wheelchair which he operated with a single finger, the only body part over which he retained control. He spoke by laborious one-finger tapping on a keyboard attached to a speech generator. As the lecture played, he sat motionless on the stage. 

He took questions. We waited at a microphone for a turn, after which he’d tap for several minutes while attendees talked among themselves. Finally we’d hear, “I will answer,” and then his precise, responsive, type-to-speech reply.

Here’s the relevance: inability to speak or doing so with imperfect fluency or rhetorical lapses doesn’t necessarily mean impaired cognition. Professor Hawking wrote “A Brief History of Time” with that single finger. In the case of President Biden, age has made worse his struggles with public speaking. Much is made of his misstatements and confusion of names; dire conclusions drawn from members of both parties. Trump’s surfeit of similar stumbles pass on the right without mention. As did the gusher of lies he hosed forth at that fateful “debate.” 

President Biden recently met with NATO leaders. Later, they reported how in command of details he is. We don’t know how his public persona comports with his private presidential abilities; but, considering his ongoing record of historic accomplishments, there’s no certainty that he’s lost it. If, in his public appearances he misspeaks frequently, he doesn’t drift off into confounding confabulations about electric boats and sharks and windmills, or praise fictional cannibals, or inject his acolytes, like bleach, with fear and hate.

Less and less do I know what to wish for regarding President Biden staying in or dropping out. Like anyone who considers our form of government worth preserving and climate change real, though, I’ll vote without hesitation for him, or, if Ds choose another, that person.

While pliable politicians like J.D. Vance blame President Biden and truth-telling liberals for the assassination attempt, this needs to be said from now till November: Calling out the terrifying trifecta of Trump, Project 2025, and their Constitution-rewriting Supreme Court is not hate speech; neither is it sub-rosa advocacy for violence. It’s pleading to voters’ best selves; a warning, confirmed by his and their own words, of theocratic authoritarianism. It’s democracy. Attempting to shut it down by describing it otherwise is Project Trump.

Because I know all I need to about black holes, watching last week’s interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken was more relevant than seeing Stephen Hawking. Speaking with historian Heather Cox Richardson, he made clear why inclusive foreign policy is vital to US interests; why international partnerships, including NATO, are essential. For anyone concerned about the future and the US role in it, it’s worth watching. Part one. Part two.

Though we don’t know who Trump would choose for his Secretary of State, it’s certain to be the opposite of Antony Blinken. Trump and the Project He’s Never Heard Of have made clear their intention to weaken or abandon NATO. Their “America First” policies will do the same to other cooperative relationships, leaving America isolated and, as Blinken so convincingly explains, vulnerable and weaker. Given Trump’s professed love of our enemies’ dictators, perhaps deliberately.

So, no: Whatever the motive, the attempt on his life mustn’t quiet the voices speaking out against the consequences of another Trump “presidency.” Quite the opposite: since it’ll redouble the uncritical, besotted enthusiasm of his idolizers, it should spur even more commitment amongst the open-eyed to vote against him.

Maybe, though, it’ll inspire Republicans finally to agree on banning military-style weapons. 


  1. "Rep. Mike Collins, R-GA, for example, said Biden ordered it."

    These things are ginning up their base. Not because they think it's true. No, the alt right needs to assuage their voters. Let it be known far and wide. Loud and crystal clear. "You have full justification to kill "leftists" and "RINO's". Don't feel bad, feel glad we took back 'mercah from the commies.

    I mean...They want to round up 11 million people on day one. How? Who knows? As long as that message is sent. "Violence is justified".

    The real question is this...How many people will vote for that? I say not a lot.

    The game is clear this time which is why the right is going for broke.

    Please understand this...These people are vying for jobs outside govt. They are in the Alito lane. They want the cash. This is an ends to a means. But make no mistake. They see Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and pod casters. They see what corporations and wealthy control freaks will pay.

    Whether they expect to win or not doesn't really matter. These people are on the gravy train. None of them actually believe it. But they know 100% their voters do. All the voters are asking for is an excuse to be out of the closet with their depravity.

    Like I always say. These people are all talk...

    Did anyone catch the Hitler salutes as Cheetolini walked off stage? Not from anything I've seen on the news.

  2. Thank-you Sid for the best description I have read of the current state of affairs in America. I am heartened by your determination to vote in support of the Democrats no matter whom they choose to put on the ticket - I have always considered the Repubs venal and self-serving but they are truly fascists now: their pronect 2025 is appalling in its inhumanity and finally explains why such a flawed and deficient person as trump is capable of garnering support. Watching from Canada I am appalled and frightened by the dangers facing America today. Trump is so despicable a person I cannot understand how people can stand to be near him….And now he has a mini-me for VP….

    1. As I've said before, I used to think Republicans were good people with bad ideas. Now I know they are not good people.

    2. I replied to you below..Sorry I didn't fire it off to you directly. I screwed that up.

      But Maddow spells out how the Bearded Lady got the VP gig.(below)

    3. But of course Dr. Smoovy has personal experience!

      I have been shot. Long time readers know my ex put a hit on me. The bullet is still in my body. I bled like crazy. Never once had a bandage on it.

      As a young lad in the USMC I put my fist through a wire reinforced fire door window. I went through it, and coming out was like a Chinese finger torture toy. The shards stuck to the wire. A tunnel of shards.

      You guessed it. No bandages.

      Benito Cheetolini wants some victimization.

    4. I've been saying they know the truth and only need an excuse. 51% of the country agrees with them so they feel safe. Get them alone and they do not want to talk to you because they know the truth.

      We alllll know that 51% of the nation is not racists or bigoted etc. The crowd sizes. "God". All designed to hide the true agenda. White supremacy and "retribution" to get it done. To avoid the shaming. To protect their lives from their own voters.
      All of it is hypocritical.

      I've been calling them "Nazi's" since the T-Party. The rest are the "Devils' Handmaidens". They are allll about selfish self interests. All is fair in politics and war. Right? The most active and largest voting block in history got us here. Not many take responsibility of ANY kind. Just like Drumpfer poo. It's all by design. It's sophisticated. Therefor the base warships Drumpf. They don't know any better and will never learn. There's 'ones' of those. About as rare as a N. Korean defector.

      Example: I was at the WaPo comments. Talking about the virtues of Republicans and their agenda. It was the Dems. agenda pretty much.

      I responded simply "Have you read project 2025?"
      One guess to his reply? Yup, you guessed it.

      "Have you?" (read 2025)
      I said "yes, I have nothing but time so I have the luxury." I said "I asked because I wanted to discuss it with you"

      Any guess what he did in response? Yuppers..Changed the subject.

      The lame sock puppets. Nobody argues with them in the cult. They never have to think. It's all done for them. AKA The Devils' Handmaidens.

      I trust nobody with even a hint of the ideology.

  3. Here's my snarky comment on the shooting of Trump--it seems like a mighty big bandage. I wonder what the extent of the wound is? As I said, snark.

    1. Not snark: reality. He was hit by a shard of glass from a teleprompter. Next day, golfing, he had no bandage: appropriate for a tiny cut. The bandage was for two things: heroic sympathy, and to cover the fact that it was the teeniest injury.

    2. Ah, that's as I suspected. I'm so glad there's a doctor in the house!

    3. I gave my personal experience down below somewhere. You are definitely smarter than the average bear. You may leave the Temple Grasshopper.

  4. I am not as solid as I was last week on my support for President Biden, and the reason is not President Biden. It is the ongoing conflict between the Democrats. Yesterday, someone I truly admire, Adam Schiff, said he wants Biden to drop out. Apparently, Leaders Jeffries and Schumer spoke to Biden yesterday too, and since they have not pushed back on initial reports that they asked him to step aside, we have to assume that is exactly what happened. Nancy Pelosi too, has broached the subject again. It all scares the bejeezus out of me.

    Like Sid, I will vote for the Democrat on the ballot. It's what I have done my whole life with one exception--the venerable and sane Daniel J. Evans. I sometimes wonder where those old lions are and why they are seemingly rolling over to the fascist conquest of their party?

    1. Here it is...I agree with them. Sunday, after church. Joe drops from the race.

    2. Mr. Stewart agrees with you

  5. As usual, an excellent piece. Great links that support your work. This is all otherworldly. We’re looking, staring straight in the face, at the dystopian nature of a failing “great experiment”. The fallout is unthinkable. Watching the lies of the RNC convention, broadcast repeatedly over and over, to all Americans and the world is extremely dangerous and disturbing. We’re done. Boil, boil, toil and trouble, living in the Republican bubble.

  6. Reflects my own sentiments in their entirety. I do want to add re the shooting that as soon as the young man was identified, I pegged him for - IMO - exactly who he was. Beginning with Columbine, we have seen lone and mostly young white males come into our schools, movie theaters and other public venues with the intent to kill and create notoriety for themselves and "make a statement" about their alienation. That's what this was and the political ambience of an election year offered him an opportunity to crawl out from under his rock.

    Trump didn't deserve to be shot - no one does, but this was not some conspiracy-laden cabal out to get the former president.

    1. My theory?

      He is a republican who's been lied to. He felt it his duty to kill Drumpf for the sake of the world. Like if someone had killed Hitler. Drumpf survived his assassination as well.

      Vigilante is my guess.

  7. Of course, Rachelle was ready with the goods the moment that evil idiot was announced as VP.

    Leave it to Barnicle. But the cast in general of "Morning Joe". Something has changed since Mika and Joe were yanked off the air. They don't give even the smallest of fucks. The regulator is off at Morning Joe and MSNBC in general.

    I agree...Joe is a beloved figure in Democratic circles. How can you not love that man? You have to be soulless. Heartless.

    I said "The athlete who's stayed a year too long with 3 more years left on a team crippling salary." *cough* russ*cough* wilson *cough cough cough* and went from "beloved" to resent and disparagement.

    Joe's entire team shoulda been fired long ago. They can't even present him well. The production quality is amateurish. Been that way for years. There's nothing "comforting" about Joe. Nothing "unifying" either. That was LAST election in a "what have ya done for me lately" game.

    Kamala not only can win the race. She can win by a landslide all the way up and down the ballot. She wasn't sitting on her ass for 4 years. She's been preparing to be the first POTUS married to Doug! Doug will get a promotion to "first dude"! It'll be great!

    Why not have a Kamala/Joe ticket? Kamala + anyone not named "Clinton" or "Bush" or 70 years old or older. Yunno, the critically important shit, right? People are sick of the whole thing. Just like the cop who Chief Sue fired. He was a stain on ALL law enforcement and ALL citizens. Finally!

    Joe has turned peoples adoration into disgust and anger. BUT?!?! He's gonna win dammit! He'll win a bottom ranking in terms of POTUS instead of LBJ territory. Below Obama, not above him. Joe pisses off his own voters by the millions. But he's gonna win and we are wrong and need to shut up and get in line right?

    Some people are going to not vote as a result. Nobody is saying we won't vote Democrat. It's who will make the effort in states that make voting impossible for many people? Not as many...That's exactly how many.

    "Finish the job" seems to be end Democracy. The last 40+ years have been on a march towards that goal. THAT is the true "finish what we started". It started at Reagan.

  8. Finish the job evidence...

    Requiem for the American Dream

    This is the best documentary on the last 200+ years and how we arrived. Not a single cultist would watch this. And if they did? They'd dismiss it as "deep state" or "RINO" etc.

    It's IMPOSSIBLE to dismiss ANY of this. It is deeply compelling. It's history. We are constantly repeating until we don't. Then go back to repeating the same treachery like a yo-yo. Sociopaths do not care about this. They have theirs and you don't because you didn't work hard enough.

  9. Speaking of incapable of presenting Joe properly.

    Go to @1:40 Joe is sitting there with Covid. You can hear it dripping from his lungs. That "cold" Joe had at the debate? Covid, not a "nasty cold". Just like Cheetolini did. Sick, don't say a word, period. Show up because Drumpf will lose. I need to expose him. And other stupid excuses. Joe ruined his campaign that night. He has not proven to be different. Only confirming what the critics are saying and have been for years. Now that it's obvious? They are not holding back. Not EVERYONE has an angle or ax to grind. A voter is not that. Donors are not that. It's "the elites". Joe is a flippin' ELITE!!! OMG! Joe ever look in the mirror? Ever, lately?

    Joe's ruined his campaign permanently. Crippled down ballot races temporarily. His people are the real issue. The ones with real power want to keep it. Only a Pelosi assassination attempt moved her. Otherwise she'd be in Hakeem's shoes.

    Joe's been the best POTUS of my lifetime. He needs to preserve his dignity and drop out as long as Kamala is the top of the ticket.

    1. No problem, Smoove. You're on a roll.

    2. She's live in NC

    3. Whether it's the right thing or not, it's an incredibly sad end to a hugely successful presidency, and, except for ending the testimony against Clarence Thomas and, thus, allowing him onto the court, a pretty honorable career.

      And I hope to hell that if he does drop out, Kamala or whoever it'll be will rise to the occasion and take it to Trump effectively.

    4. Sunday after church is my prediction.
      Kamala will be introduced as the candidate. No open convention.

    5. He just issued a statement that he's looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail and making the case...

    6. They all say that until they aren't. Nobody has ever said "I am considering dropping from the race"

  10. Well...It's Kamala and Pete!

    LET'S GO!


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