Thursday, August 9, 2012

Never Gets Old

I'm a lucky guy. I get to see stuff like this every day. What the hell am I complaining about???


  1. Seriously.

    Hi Dr S.

    You could rent as a bed and breakfast in that spectacular location. This east coast girl would pay to stay there. :)

    Let's see on the porch in the morning before going off to see the sights, unsweetened ice tea with lemon and/or mint for lunch and a gin and tonic with a lime twist (Schwab recipe)at a respectable time. ;)

    Pictures are just beautiful. God's artistry - from my perspective.

    Also, I see angels in the clouds. last night ...I was finishing up painting our bedroom ..."Ocean Mist" - a very light blue covering a dark blue wall. I was procrastinating (the last wall, but I needed a break) and so I began painting feathery strokes on the wall and reminded me of angel wings ..not unlike your pictures. :) What can I say? I was very tired then and after a day of rearranging, etc., etc, ..profoundly tired now. They were angel wings I tell you. ;)

    Anyway ...I wrote a long comment yesterday in response to one of your posts ..then took it back out and put into my drafts. I just began another comment on another post ...deleted it.

    Oh my gosh! I just wrote you another "War and Peace" length comment and removed it!

    Suffice it to know that this SeaSpray is very UPSET. Ugh ..I can't write a sentence without my words just spilling over... I did it again!

    I'd mellow tho ...looking at that view, enjoying the breezes, and with a G&T w/LT in my hand ...sans political discussions. There isn't enough gin on the planet that would mellow political feelings.

  2. Upset? What is there to be upset about?

  3. Regarding my previous comment - It sounds like I am this drinker and I rarely drink. 2 sips and right to my head. If G&TS w/LT were non alcoholic, non carb and non caloric ...I drink them by the pitcher tho. Just LOVE the taste. :) (Cold beer on a hot day nice too. :)I never drank during a political discussion though. I'm pretty sure that would keep me sober.

    Regarding your comment:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Going to bed laughing now.


    Nite. :)


Comments back, moderated. Preference given for those who stay on topic.

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