Thursday, April 1, 2021

Voting From Space

It goes without saying – which is why it needs saying – that without fair and unencumbered elections in all states, wherein the people’s votes actually matter and count roughly equally, democracy dies.

If we were watching from outer space, studying a country having two distinct, opposing parties, it shouldn’t be difficult, assuming it’s the case, to tell which of them believes in democracy and which doesn’t. Which one favors giving average citizens the ultimate voice, and which one does everything it can to create and maintain a self-serving plutocracy. 

We find ourselves in the International Space Station, looking down on exceptional America. And what do we see? Two parties, working hard for legislative action affecting elections and the safety and ease of voting, but with diametrically opposite intent. For fun, let’s not figure out the party names yet. (Incidentally, the science keeping us afloat and alive up here is the same as the kind telling us about Covid-19, the vaccines, and climate change. Which is why we'll remain safe and breathing.)

Oh, look: way down there, in the House of Representatives, one party has already passed legislation aimed at reducing the influence of dark money, striving for uniformity among states for voting by mail, limits on unfair gerrymandering, numbers of voting locations and drop-boxes per population, ethics reform, and more; including requiring presidential candidates to release their tax returns.

Even up here, you can see the other one is trying to make voting by mail harder if not impossible, to limit or eliminate drop-boxes, and, despite how well mail-voting works in several states without it, including ours, to require ID. While making access as difficult as possible for minority voters. Which one, shall we conclude, believes in the indispensability of voting rights in a democracy and which one doesn’t? (No peeking!)

As to the act of voting, per se, all we need to know is that, in a state it just lost for the first time in nearly forever, one party made it a crime to provide food and water to people waiting for hours to vote, in lines possibly visible from up here. This tells us that forcing selected portions of the population to wait like that is deliberate.

It also reveals that their rationale – that it’s to prevent people who provide food and water from politicking the standees – shows who they really are. Specifically, they’re certain no one in their party would even think of providing comfort to hot, tired, hungry voters. And that they choose not to consider ways it could be done without giving political advantage to the providers. We can think of several. It’s not hard.

By simple observation, then, we know one party favors equal access to voting by all eligible citizens, and one clearly doesn’t. (No fair reading ahead!) To the former, eligibility includes law-breakers who’ve fulfilled their debt to society. Ironically, it's the party that insists we're a Christian nation and, therefore, ought to believe in redemption, that demagogues the very idea. 

As to the aforementioned dark money, a conference call about it, between mega-donors and an adviser to Mitch McConnell, can be heard from the ISS (we have the technology). According to The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, one party is very, very worried. They call it a power grab by the other party, but their problem, in fact, is with its bipartisan appeal

“The speakers on the call expressed alarm at the broad popularity of the bill’s provision … about secret political donors. The participants conceded that the bill … was so popular that it wasn’t worth trying to mount a public-advocacy campaign to shift opinion. Instead, a senior Koch operative said that opponents would be better off ignoring the will of American voters and trying to kill the bill in Congress. … because the broad public is against them when it comes to billionaires buying elections.”  

“Ignoring the will of American voters.” “… kill the bill in Congress.” “Billionaires buying elections.” Can it be any more obvious to whom Congressional members of that party really listen, and why? Could it be any clearer in whose interests they’re acting? Can you barely wait to learn which is which? After finding out, will you care enough to vote for the democracy-saving one?

As with choosing between former Vice-President Joe Biden and Trump, true conservatives must yet again decide between party and country; between preserving election fairness or letting their party destroy it.

Back on Earth, we see it clearly: the party trying to protect democracy rather than end it has been the Democrats all along. Surprised?


  1. Is HR-1 the bill you're writing about?
    If so, I "read" it, which means I found it on-line, and noted it is 702 pages long, with 17 of those pages being the Table of Contents.
    It's amusing to think one of the congressmen wants it read out loud, since (?) he suspects no one has actually read it other than a few Junior congress-people who provide the summary for their seniors.
    Do you think any of the Quad have read it?
    Or, their equivalents on the other side of your discussion from above?
    Have you read it?
    For that matter, have any of the media, any of any of them who comment on it, ... , (wait-for-it) ... read it?
    I made a gallant try, and as you know I like huge data and reciting things that people write, even though certain others, who don't read those things, denigrate me for anything I might write about something I actually read.
    But, I didn't read it, yet, so I'll take your word for it from above, you know, the International Space Station.
    (imagine those poor foreign power lackies who have to read stuff like that for their seniors, and provide the "answers" their seniors are pre-disposed to hear. They have their "media", too.
    The whirled turns and turns and turns again. You have good perspective, to see that from your high position above.
    (good article, btw, I liked it!) Signed, Democrat

    1. "Do you think any of the Quad have read it?"

      They had a gigantic part in writing it.

      "Or, their equivalents on the other side of your discussion from above?"

      Yes, Bernie Sanders and Patty Murry et al. also helped write it and are the main reasons for the bill as it is.

    2. Here's the alt right stance as of yesterday...Lumpy said the bill will get no alt right votes. Do you think the alt right read it or had ANYTHING to do with the bill? I think I found your suspect.

  2. I've read several credible summaries, is what I've done.

    1. I've added some video trying to explain why things are the way they are and what they are and the opposition angle as well for "balanced coverage". Noem of S. Dakota

  3. Thanks for the links.
    I tried, but 702 pages without pictures is a reach for me.
    I barely made it through the Table of Contents...

  4. I didn't read any of it. However, I trust the Democratic Party to legislate and our President to honorably and HONESTLY represent my views of democracy in action.
    The "letter to the editor" in todays Herald from Dr. Schwab's critic, proves why the good Doctor must continue to call-out the anti-democracy republican party as they attack our precious system of liberty with justice for ALL Americans.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this, especially your choice of the ISS as a literary device. It shines a brilliant light on the GOP's hypocrisy. I wish that we could all read the e-mails that this week's will generate.

    1. If I receive any of special merit, I'll forward them to you.

      Of late, the nay-sayers have been comparatively silent in direct communication to me. Letters to the editor are another story. Nice juxtaposition a couple of days ago.

    2. To DocS: I can't help it, I even apologize...
      There is another literary book which uses the same device; our world looked at from above, though, a bit higher than the ISS. But the comparison is the same.
      Few people read that one, too, even and especially those who: think they read it but don't, say they read it but haven't, proclaim they read it but never do, and, so many who read it and read it and read it but don't understand what you noticed about Sid's literary device, the light it shines on things, and the points of light far below for those who "get it".
      I, too, miss the dialog of each of those groups, like we had before, though I fully understand the poor souls who had to wade through so much garbage for that which they could allow. I know I caused them problems, too, at times. (sigh)
      I have conversation with many of those who hate the current state of affairs. I do what I can to calm their fears, but, sometimes I wonder if I make it worse for them.
      We need what is happening now, though I grieve for those who are so twisted they hurt over it.
      For so many, it's so unnecessary. Joe had me with his message for unification. But then, they resist that, just like always for those who resist things.
      Signed, Democrat

    3. Well, I don't claim originality. Except for
      "blowing smoke up their assumptions" in the previous column. As usual, tho, I thank you for pointing out my weaknesses.

    4. I think you can claim that one. For fun though, and, as a doctor I'm sure you could tell stories that would make us squirm about those parts (don't!) :-)

      One I remember is you removing 50 lbs. of it from someone. Yours a unique perspective as compared to the general populous, regarding what most think is not possible.

  6. I saw the word "KOCH" in the piece. Therefore nuclear waste filled pools leaking is topical. That's my story.

    We need trillions to clean up the robber barons messes. Are we gonna just dump radioactive waste into open ponds all of America?

    They are evacuating Florida. Why should we send money to a shithole state that was in ilrepare before the spill and in fact is the reason for the failure.

    Drumpf lives in that state and we hate him so deny him everything along with the state of Florida. Let them figure out.

    Meanwhile I need some folks with a good throwing arm. Those Florida folks are gonna need some paper towels for that spill.

    That's how it works folks.

  7. For a problem with why people are having trouble with the media, this news story:
    All probably know what happened by other sources, so imagination must be used to read it as if you didn't.
    If we were watching this event unfold from the ISS, with the radio, TV, and cell-phone off, it would be clear what happened.
    People are getting mad at each other, and who is helping?
    Now, imagine you're Joe, and you know what happened was wrong, and how it was wrong. What would you do?

    1. I'm not sure I understand your point. The article you provided seems pretty straightforward and comprehensive. Are you saying it's an example of bad reporting, and if so, what did I miss?

    2. The question is not the article you read, but, what would you do if Joe. I thought Joe and Kamala responded well, don't get me wrong, with what they did.
      My question is, what would you do if you were Joe? ... from the ISS, where you watched what actually happened. President, Vice President, who represent something never before achieved in our nation, watching horrors that unfold at their doorstep.
      What would you do?
      (I see now why you questioned my read of the article, but didn't before I posted. Probably why people attack me constantly in this blog. Also a problem of the media. The article reads that neither Joe nor Kamala were there, so they are receiving reports other than CBS)

    3. You (not sure which "anonymous") led with "For a problem with why people are having trouble with the media..." which suggests the point is about poor media coverage.

      And, unless your link is to the wrong article, it's unsurprising that neither Joe nor Kamala was at the Capitol when it happened. Did you intend to link to an article about the border? Because I'm not sure what Joe should do about a crazy person ramming the gate.

  8. Sorry, forgot to write "Signed, Democrat". All me.
    Joe and Kamala were sure, and grieved the officer's death and offered concern for the wounded officer.
    We'll see what develops as to how far this incident carries in the media, and we'll get reminder with half-mast flags for a week.
    We'll see how the other crazies respond to it, too, during that week.
    But, again, not what Joe did, but what would you do if Joe, having watched from the ISS. (no hidden meanings, no obscure agenda, just a tough question.)

    1. "Tough" isn't how I'd describe the question. What is the role of a president (as opposed to "president") regarding a freak act by a mentally-ill person?

      None, is how I see it. Other than the usual sympathies. And, maybe, weighing in on the controversies regarding fences.

    2. I might have thought it not-tough, too, in fact I was wondering if it was childish.
      But, the thought of looking at events from ISS, actually seeing them rather than trusting reporting, intrigued me. (Joe and Kamala had to trust their sources).
      Hence, my question.
      It does show how little trust there is in this media we subject ourselves to.

    3. I won't belabor it further, but I don't see how "it" (whatever you mean by "it") shows how little trust there is in this media.

      The news report covered it, IMO, properly. The last word in this is yours.

    4. I read all your stuff and I'm pretty baffled too. No offense. It's prolly more my 9th grade education and lack of comprehension than anything else. I don't understand what you are trying to say, sorry :O(

  9. Speaking of votes and the alt right hypocrisy...
    Lumpy is scared.


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