Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Press Conference

Sure, I've been critical of the president lately. But I must say, whenever I see him answer reporters' questions (without a teleprompter!!) I'm glad he's the one in the White House.

Of all the R candidates, the only one who comes even close to Barack Obama in intelligence and reasoned approach to things, is Jon Huntsman, who at least has some credibility in some areas; but, one would think, has as much chance of getting the nomination of the party of hatred and magical thinking as I do.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm Sid, might wanta check that Prescription..
    Eye Glasses I mean, the Namenda won't help(they say it right on the commercial)
    Cause unless I'm hallucinating, that WAS a Teleprompter behind the Lame Stream News Media reporters.
    And Your right, He only used it for his opening remarks, heck even Sara Palin doesn't use a Telepromter to ANSWER reporter's questions.
    You'd have to be Psychic or something...
    And speaking of Psychics, here's a prediction...
    The 45th President of the US wears Cowboy Boots, Flew C-130's, and shares a last name with the lead singer of the Greatest Rock n Roll Band of all times...
    No, not Rick Jagger...
    I've said to much...

    PS: The Mariners Suck
    PPS: I did see a Black Guy in the Crowd.
    PPPS: Selling Peanuts
    PPPPS: PEANUTS! Everyone knows the real concessions money is in Beer, just another example of the Man keepin a Brutha down...

    Frank "No Telepromter" Drackman


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