Gee. Seems the House will be voting straight up on the Senate HCR bill, eschewing "deem and pass." Time for The Party of No to go back to calling it socialism.
Okay, they just did.
As we've seen, the teabagging among us haven't a clue. Socialism? In what way? In fact, the bill is so far from socialism that it's likely to be a stopgap at best, on the way to single payer, which, as I've argued, is the only way we'll ever really solve our health care crisis. In my mind, the only question is whether we'll get around to it in time to save ourselves.
Socialism? I wish.
It doesn't matter. People will believe what they need (I wish I knew why), damn the facts.
Prediction: since, as far as I can tell, there aren't very strong controls on costs of health care in the bill, and since the ones that are there don't kick in right away, premiums will likely rise. Not because of the bill; in spite of it. But you can be sure people will point to any increases and blame them on Obama. Which will be funny in at least a couple of ways: premiums have been rising regularly, at enormous rates, for years. And if they keep doing so, won't that sort of, you know, disprove the idea that it's socialized medicine?
It doesn't matter how they vote. There are no rules; they answer to no one, certainly not the voters. The Constitution has no meaning. They just make up rules as they go along.
ReplyDeleteAt least one dem has the guts to admit it.
Oh yeah--it's the Corner, a right-wing propaganda machine, similar to Fox News in that they lie about everything.
But you can see it yourself on YouTube.
democrats--changing the tone in Washington, one corrupt vote at a time.
It doesn't matter how they vote. There are no rules; they answer to no one, certainly not the voters. The Constitution has no meaning. They just make up rules as they go along.
ReplyDeletePretty amusing, after the Bush administration and Dick "so what" Cheney.
And how predictable: I present a fact, and you say it doesn't matter. Come to think of it, you sound just like Fox "news." And, in terms of written word, just like NRO. And I'll bet that's the first time anyone there took Alcee Hastings' word on anything. Ever heard of irony? Ever heard of lame attempts at humor? Have any examples of actual making up of rules, of using rules not used before by Rs? Of not seeking and listening to rulings by the parliamentarian?
Hear what John Boner said today about a fellow representative if he votes for reform? Think he meant it literally?
But, once again, thank you for demonstrating the truth of my contentions about the right wing, facts, seriousness, and willingness to pitch in. If you ever post anything here that isn't pure hackery and repetition of RWS™ talking points, I might even publish it. Otherwise, don't waste your time. Or mine.