Here's a waste of time and energy:
Faced with rising political attacks, hundreds of climate scientists are joining a broad campaign to push back against congressional conservatives who have threatened prominent researchers with investigations and vowed to kill regulations to rein in man-made greenhouse gas emissions.
If presentation of and interest in facts made a difference to the deniers, it wouldn't even be necessary. The evidence is there. It's a little, what shall we call it, inconvenient, though. Doesn't fit the narrative. Like pretty much everything else congressional and teabagger conservatives believe.
So, nice try guys. But you're wasting breath and adding see oh two to no good end.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions???
ReplyDeleteyou mean like however many tons of JP-4 Air Force 1 is gonna use so the President(Peace be upon Him) can apologize to the Indians for Joe Bidens 7-11 remark???
Couldn't he do one of those tele-conference thangs? I've been to India, its overrated.
or the 3.5ml/kg/min of CO2 AlGore spews into the environment even when he's sleeping?? Seriously, how can someone that fat have such an effeminate voice???
and in Anesthesia, we have these thangs called "CO2 absorbers", little silicone pellets that..let me s'plain' it to ya,
ABSORBS CO2!!!!!! Why not just have everyone carry one around?? or put them around like Re-nuzits???
and ya'll still control the Congress for 56 more days, if y'all dont
Close Gitmo/Raise Taxes/Repeal DADT/DOMA(signed by that Evil Bush, I mean Clinton)/bring troops home from Iraq/Afghanistan
ya'll don't have anyone to blame except your selves...
Oh yeah, you know Social Security Tax, the one that stops at $110,000?? the one I haven't had to pay since April???
Umm don't do anything...I need the Caysh..
Frank "thats not a greenhouse gas, I just farted" Drackman
The defeat of Proposition 23 in California makes me feel a bit more hopeful.
ReplyDeleteDrekMan...Frank "thats [sic] not a greenhouse gas, I just farted" DrekMan"
ReplyDeleteSo you are a "Gas Passer"... It puts your posts in perspective; no wonder they all stink!
Now if we only had something that would absorb your mindless vaporizing; like a pine, auto air freshener dangling from the monitor - that might help, but, probably, would only make you smell like armpit of pine.