You can just hear the appreciative laughter and the cheers, can't you? The damn straights and the amens. "Carbon dioxide is harmful?" asks Rick Santorum. "Tell that to the plants." * Why, it was a knee-slapper when Glenn Beck made the same point, by exhaling and pointing out that that was see-oh-too. But ol' Glenn, he just wants to be controversial so he can rake in the bucks. Rick, there, he wants to be presi-damn-dent.
And once again we see 1) why Republicans want our country dumb, and 2) why messaging favors them. Hell of a good line, frothy Rick. I bet he actually thinks he made a cogent point. But whether he does or doesn't (he does) is irrelevant: his audience thinks he did, and to dissuade them -- now impossible, after a few decades of double-D deliberate dumbification -- takes an amount of time and willingness to listen (not to mention the long-lost ability to think) that people such as the Santorum-smeared will never give or have or be able. To.
No point in wasting time here unwinding the idiocy. Most readers already know, and the ones that don't, like all teabaggers, are programmed never to. Know. But here's a snappy response anyway:
Think water isn't harmful? Ask the people on that ship that sank somewhere near Italy recently and they couldn't get out but the captain did but he says he fell into a lifeboat and pretty soon water came in and then they didn't have enough air and after that happened they tried to hold their breath because they instinctively knew that water in their lungs would be counterproductive in terms of gas exchange and eventually it happened anyway and oxygen levels went down in their blood and intracellular respiration failed along with the ATPase pump and carbon dioxide levels went up and they struggled for a while and felt really bad and probably scared and passed out and then they died but most of the bodies have been found.
* Wanna see how dumb and clueless the guy really is, in case it's not already obvious? In the same speech he chose this metaphor:
"I didn't change as the climate changed," Santorum said. "I stood tall. Now the climate has changed and everyone's for drilling now. But understand that when times were tough, they were not and I was."
"I didn't change as the climate changed," Santorum said. "I stood tall. Now the climate has changed and everyone's for drilling now. But understand that when times were tough, they were not and I was."
ReplyDeleteAs the kids say, LOLwut? Is he trying to make Sarah Palin sound coherent?