Friday, October 3, 2008

Brilliant, Comprehensive, Compelling. Perfect.

Yeah, well, I'm an elitist liberal. I went to an expensive college, I sip chardonnay. (Down it like lemonade, these days.) So, sure, I subscribe to, and read, The New Yorker magazine. (Sarah Palin has said, with regard to newspapers and magazines that she reads "all of 'em," so we have that much, evidently, in common.)

The most recent edition has a presidential endorsement. Unsurprisingly, it chooses Barack Obama. But what's news is that it's the most thorough, thoughtful, detailed and cogent exposition of the issues and contrasts that I've read. (It's also quite long, for such an editorial, which means it can't easily be summarized; and, of course, that few people other than subscribers, will read it.)

For those who'd like to see an extremely well-written and profoundly thoughtful discourse on the reasons to choose Barack Obama over John McCain, it can be found here. In far better language than I've been able to muster, it says exactly what I've been thinking and trying to say for months and months.


  1. i'm not american so i have no direct interest in this election, but still...

    i'm seriously considering no longer reading your blog. nothing against you or your writing skill, but i'm becoming despondent about your (america's) situation.

    the two candidates are miles removed from each other. one is pretty darn good and the other may be so bad that in comparison even bush looks ok.

    my problem is i'm becoming more and more convinced that the election is going to go the opposite of what logic dictates. i'm mot sure i can watch.

  2. Dr. S.;
    I just hit "print" and am looking forward to reading the New Yorker piece, although at this point, this Republican is already beyond convinced that Obama/Biden is the right choice for this country. I'm neither elitist (although I do like chardonnays and pinot noirs) nor a liberal in the classic sense. I'm a college educated (night school, self funded) pragmatist and a realist with 4 kids and alot of concern about where we as a nation we are headed. A sea change is needed in our leadership and in our country's direction and Sen. Obama, imho, is the best hope today to lead this transformation. I suppose this election will also be transformative for me personally as my voting record so far has never strayed from the GOP.

  3. bongi: leaving my blog? Join the club.

  4. Did you read Ryan Lizza's piece (also from the NewYorker) about Obama's rise through the ultra-corrupt Chicago Democratic machine? It's really an extraordinary recap of a neglected part of the "Obama Story". Where was the agent of change then? Where was the Noble Warrior? Is it neccessarily a good thing that he rose so quickly through the Daley machine? Ask Alice Palmer what she thinks of Obama.

    So if the veneer of "change" and "reform" is dulled a bit, what are we left with? A very junior senator from illinois without much of substance to his record.

    I think Obama the man is very different from the concept of "Obama". Perhaps, in these troubled times, Americans need that concept to be true more than anything else. We all better hope they're right because McCain is dead in the water....

  5. I did read that. Through my own filter, my reaction was less negative than yours; Obama is criticized for being naive. It's not all bad that he's not. Also, people evolve.

    I also read this lengthy piece about McCain. May have to post about it, too.

    Oh: and thanks for coming by!

  6. "all of 'em?"??? (then she must forget everything she reads very quickly)

    I don't remember seeing anybody so proud of being ignorant..!? There's o first for everything.


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